×|Hero Type Quirks|×

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Quirk Name: Elemental Recomposition

Type: Transformation + Emitter

× The user can conjure elemental abilities and combine them with another elemental ability, creating a new element.

× User cannot use a single element at a time, they have to use a combo of two or more.

× The user can either disperse the elemental energy, or use it on themselves, creating fiery rock arms or dispelling air-controlled water.

Drawback: The cannot use a single element as mentioned. Overusage causes stamina drain
and/or physical trauma.

Special: User combines all the elements, earth, air, fire, water, life, and metal into one giant Transformation Emitter attack. This causes the user to be unable to use their quirk for over an hour or so.

Quirk Name: Artistic Creation

Type: Emitter

× If the user draws anything with an obvious form with any drawing utensil, the art will come to life.

× The user can control when they use their quirk, so they have good artistic ability so their Quirk is enhanced.

× Depending on the status of the surface they are drawing on, and the skill of the drawing, the creature will be weak or incredibly strong.

× The size of the being matters on how big they were originally drawn, they don't magically increase in size.

× The user's imagination is incorporated as well. If they imagine the being to be evil, they will be evil, and so forth. Detail in the mind matters.

Drawback: The user can only have five drawings alive at once, before they start to deteriorate and the durability and strength will lessen. Also causes slight mental toll.

Special: Either they create a ginormous monster will incredible detail and strength, or they create an army of 10-15 large to medium sized monsters to defend them. Heavy mental toll. After 1 minute, the army will start to deteriorate, and the large beast will after 5 minutes.

Quirk Name: Social Magnetism

Type: Emitter

× The user can attract people physically towards them, or repel people away from them.

× Attract only works in a 25 foot radius, whilst Repel works in a 10 foot radius.

× User has to see them for their quirk to work.

Drawback: Not really much of a drawback, they probably just get annoyed.

Special: Not much of a Special either, but they could enhance the Attract rate to 30 feet and decrease the Repel rate to 5 feet, and reverse with enhancing Repel.

Quirk Name: Cobweb

Type: Emitter

× The user creates Cobwebs.

× Depending on what they ate, how they're feeling, how they're doing physically, or even how good of a poop they took, that is how durable and sticky the web's will be.

× Webs don't effect the user, in fact, they climb on them like an actual spider.

× Can only shoot out about 80 feet before it gets wimpy.

× Comes from the user's entire body, so good flexibility with the quirk.

Drawback: After using too much web, the user's body will be worn down, and they will have to rest. Extreme overusage hurts the body part they were using the most, most likely the hands.

Special: Shoots out web in all directions, and is extremely sticky. The user's flexibility is increase along with speed.

All of these quirks can be used
for Villainous intent.

I'm really fudging tired.

You're welcome.

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