4- What are you doing here

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Jocelyn rummaged through her closet, all the while trying to get a hold of her sister. With hopes, if she were to answer, she could talk her into changing where they have a drink and talk. Now that she knew her worst nightmare wanted to meet at the same bar and at the same time and place as her sister, she wanted no part in seeing him. The way this man had her thinking dirty thoughts the couple times they've been face to face, she wasn't sure if she would be able to control her hormonal urges and didn't want to be like Alex, who slept with clients.

As she continued looking for something to wear, she couldn't get him off her mind. She loved his gorgeous good looks and what she noticed hidden behind his pants, even imagining what it looked like and how she wouldn't mind wrapping her mouth around it. Then his cocky, sexy smirks and smiles came to her mind, and she couldn't help but swoon. Each time he smirked or smiled at her, her stomach would come alive, and it would start doing somersaults. She liked how he made her feel, but at the same time, she hated it and thought about how much of an egotistical jerk he was. It's like he knows how god damn good looking he is, and he uses his charm to swoon the ladies, she muttered as she removed a shirt off the hangar.

She put her phone on speaker and threw it on the bed to change clothes and talk simultaneously. "Come on, Leah, answer your dang phone, please..." she begged as she pulled up her skinny jeans. Even though they were going to a bar located right off the waterfront and knew how cool it gets at night, she still chose to wear the white shoulder-less top that showed off her stomach and belly button piercing. Then she reminded herself not to forget her jacket.

Along the way to meet her sister, her frustrations grew. Here her sister, Leah, wanted her to call back, and after the last hour of trying to reach her, all her phone did was ring. She pulled up to the bar, and as she was parking, she got the sudden urge to want to strangle her sister after seeing her sister's car parked. She walked inside, looked around, and stopped turning her head when she saw her sister sitting at a table, staring off into space.

"Leah, what the fuck? I've been trying to reach you for over an hour," she growled while slamming her purse on the table. "Where's your phone?" she asked while sitting.

"He broke it," she said quietly, still not looking at Jocelyn.

Her face softened. "What? How? Why?"

Leah shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her glass, placing the straw at her mouth and sucking the entire drink in one gulp.

"What the hell happened?"

"I came home from work, heard noises coming from the bedroom, and when I walked into the bedroom, I got quite the surprise."

"Leah, how many times have I told you to leave that cheating dirtbag?"

"I know... but this time it wasn't with a woman. It was his boss... I gasped, squealed, yelled, you name it. As I stood staring at them in shock, I called you. When they laid in the bed staring at me, not moving or saying a word, I threatened to take a picture and send it to his work. That's when he lunged at me, grabbed my phone, and threw it against the wall shattering it. So, I left as fast as I could and came here. I figured you wouldn't stand me up."

"Wow... that's all I can say is, wow."

"I know, right? I've been sitting here thinking this whole time, debating what to do, then I remembered your offer. Does it still stand?"

"Of course, it does. I'm not home much, anyway."

She smiled. "Thanks. So, tell me about you. Are you still hanging out with Miles?"

She shook her head. "No, I broke things off with him the other day, yesterday, to be exact," she said, looking behind her, wondering where their waitress was, then waved one over as one was walking by. "Can I get a vodka cranberry and get her whatever she wants."

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