3- Your worst nightmare

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Quinn walked into the office later than he wanted to and saw a couple of people murmuring amongst themselves. Seeing there were attorneys already in the office, and knowing he left out the paperwork he and his father were going through, he darted to his office. Upon arriving at his door, he noticed it was cracked open and stood there, scratching the back of his head, trying to remember if he shut the door. Remembering he did, he closed his eyes, hoping nobody had walked in and snooped around.

He quickly entered, then looked around his desk, saw nothing touched, and immediately felt relieved after seeing it was how he left it. It then dawned on him. He was in such a hurry to catch up to who he assumed was Jocelyn that when he closed the door, it might not have latched all the way and that it had popped open. He picked up the paperwork, grabbed some empty files, and began filing them before placing them into his filing cabinet.

After filling the files, he sat in his chair, thinking about his encounter with her on the elevator, grinning and chuckling about the situation and remembering how red her face became after he caught her checking out his manhood. Needing coffee, he headed out to the break room to see if there was any made.

As he walked into the open area, he noticed some curious eyes on him and stopped. "Good morning," he said. "By the looks on all your faces, I get the feeling you're curious as to who I am and why I'm here."

"That's exactly what we're thinking. We saw you walk in and didn't know if we had an intruder in here?" Alex blurted out.

"My name is Quinn... Quinn McAndrews, and you are?"

Alex's face fell and widened his eyes as he stepped forward, nervously holding his hand out. "Alex Martin, attorney."

A grim smile formed on his face, letting go of Alex's hand. "Ah, the famous Alex who hasn't won a case in months."

"I-I actually won a case earlier this week," Alex stuttered, then nervously smiled.

Quinn's eyes narrowed. "And that makes you proud? You would think winning all your cases would make you proud."

Alex felt his heart pounding through his chest, not liking the look Quinn was giving him. He turned his head to cough. He knew he needed to do something about his cases, and fast before he heard the two words, you're fired. "I'm working on it, and to answer your question, I was proud to win that case. It was a huge one for me."

Quinn raised a brow and smirked. "May I suggest something?"

"Sure," Alex nervously responded.

"Instead of standing out here talking with the other attorneys, I think maybe you should be in your office working hard on your next big case, making sure you win it before I fire your ass."

Quinn walked over to the other attorneys, shaking each of their hands as they introduced who they were. He liked how, after learning who their employees were from the night before, he was now able to put their names to their faces. After their short introduction, he grabbed himself a coffee and walked and looked around the office.

It had been years since he last stepped foot in the office, and he was quite surprised to see all the new faces. For the last five years, he spent his time working from home while traveling to other states for case hearings. He was one of a few attorneys who could defend clients in multiple states, and he loved it.

Curious if he missed Jocelyn walking in, he walked over to one of the legal secretaries, set his coffee down, and leaned his hip against her desk. "By chance, you wouldn't happen to know if a Jocelyn Payne has come in yet, do you?"

"I haven't seen her, but I can look and see if she has any court proceedings today," she said, looking at him curiously.

Seeing the look on her face, he extended his hand out. "I'm sorry. I should have introduced myself. I'm Quinn McAndrews, Finn's son." He shook her hand, and as he released his hand from hers, he lifted his chin. "Please look and see what her schedule is."

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