Chapter 3

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Four days later, monsters attacked.

There were thousands. And they were mostly Hades beast. Hellhounds.

All the half-bloods were ready, though they didn't have good odds. There were only about 80 of them.

Their Doubts were cleared when they killed more than half of the monsters. A lot of demigods got injured though,  and they were forced to retreat. But if you could keep fighting, you were gonna keep fighting.

Among the last to stop fighting, were Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth. They fought bravely for their new home. It was the first place they were accepted. They couldn't see it fall.

Eventually, they tired. But there was still hundreds of monsters left.

Thalia POV

I was so tired. So so tired. But I had to keep fighting. For my home. For Annabeth. For Luke. For all the other demigods here at camp.

I was starting to slow down. My vision was getting foggy. My head was spinning. I can't stand any longer. I saw a dark tunnel threatening to close in on my vision. But I couldn't let it.

I started to fall. First slowly, then to the speed of gravity. As I hit the ground I remembered my fear of heights. I love the ground. Much better then being in the air. No in the air I could fall.

I couldn't see much any more. I could hear a lot though. I heard the growling of monsters. The stomping of their feet.

The stomping made my headache worsen. I could no longer hold my spear or shield. They were too heavy.

But you have to fight the monsters, reasoned part of my brain.

But I can't, I told it.

But you have to.

Ouch. The monster hit me.

See. Defend yourself.

But it's to heavy. I'm so tired. So so tired. I could probably sleep here on the ground.

I suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in my leg. I wanted to look, but to things kept my from doing that. One, I was to tired, I couldn't move. And two, I didn't want to see the damage. I let out an agonizing groan.

Then I heard the air whistle loudly. Like a giant shape moved through the air. That caught my attention.

I managed to lift my head and open my eyes a bit.

I saw a giant dog attacking the monsters. He's on my side. Yay. I might not die.

But the pain in my leg was getting worse and worse. The pain was so bad I almost passed out, but I held on.

Suddenly I heard a roar and felt a blast of heat come from my left. I wonder what happened.

The pain was becoming unbearable when a felt someone place a hand on my arm. Or I thought it was a hand.

I managed to open my eyes the slightest bit to see the dog from earlier that was protecting me. I realized it was Percy. He had a backpack like thing lying on his back. "Take the nectar and ambrosia. It might help. That hellhound used Styx water. It's an open wound. Ill try my best to protect."

I grabbed the godly food from his pack in the next five minutes. He got on the ground to make it easier. He muttered something under his breath. It sounded like a blessing. Though of what kinda I wasn't sure.

Percy kept everything away from me and gave me time to heal. Or try to heal. He said I might not make it. He was a blur when he fought. Like a whirlwind.

I realized he was a whirlwind. The water particles in the air were forming solid water streams and smacking the monsters in the face, knocking them off balance. Therefore making them fall so Percy can kill them. That was one smart dog.

But my injuries weren't healing. I finally looked at my injury. Where my ankle is supposed to be was a arrow head. It looked to be both poisoned and barbed. That explains why Percy didn't take it out, plus the fact he probably can't, as he's a dog.

The leg around my ankle started to go red. Like very red. Like the color of your blush when the hottest guy in school, who happens to be your crush, asks you out in front of the entire school in a really sweet romantic way. At least I think. That's never happened to me. Or anyone I know.

Anyway, Percy just finished killing the last monster in our arena. A demigod I didn't know came in and helped stand guard.

"How are feeling?" The dog asked.

"Horrible." I told him dryly.

"I'm gonna take it out. I know it's barbed but it's also poisoned, so almost die and feel a lot of pain or definitely die and feel a lot of pain?"

"Let's go with the not dying option. That sounds like the best choice." I say.

He chuckles softly while leaning over the wound. "I pray it the gods this works." He said. "Daughter of the Sky's, you can never tell anyone about this. No one. Ever."

He then muttered words in Greek rapidly. I only caught human, mortal, and I'm sorry brother.

A giant flash and bang interrupted my thoughts. When I could see again, I saw a man. He had no features, or he did, but they keep changing. His face and body type changed every few seconds. "I only have a few seconds. I'm sorry." He said. I couldn't tell who's voice it was.

As he start to gently remove the arrow form my ankle, he greatly resembled Luke. I couldn't help but gasp in shock. " look like Luke." I whispered.

"Do I now? That cool." He said smiling.

Red dots danced in front of my eyes. "Steady now. Red dots are bad." He said. "Breath in. Breath out."

I wondered how he knew what happened. I didn't tell him. But I was in too much pain to think straight. It was like my ankle was thrown into fire, dry ice, and then stabbed all at once.

But Thalia, wouldn't the fire cancel out and dry ice and vise versa? No random person. No it didn't.

I didn't realize the arrow was out until Percy, (at least I hope it was Percy) told so. He smiled kindly at me. "Tell the Son of Travelers and the Daughter of Wisdom to remember me. You remember me too. When in battle, you shall be my blessed ones. All three of you. I sense a great power in you all. Goodbye, Daughter of Sky,"

The former wolf then disappeared into dust. But not like monster dust. It was almost black dust.

I wanted to cry. I missed him. I want sure why. I barely knew him. But he did help me get to safety. He helped me live. He believed in me. That was enough to make me love someone alright.

But I had to fight. My mind felt clear. My ankle felt completely fine. I noticed it had healed. I grabbed my weapons and stormed into battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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