Chapter 2

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"Hello," the raven black dog spoke, "my name is Perseus. But call me that and you'll get pile of poop on your head while your asleep."

"Ok, what did lord chaos mean by "it is your name, or have you forgotten?" Percy?" Luke asked.

But Percy acted like the question was never asked. He was muttering to himself. "Five days. That's to long. If we run, no. They don't have the training. We'll have to go over the sea." 

That left the trio confused. They just met this dog, he was greeted by lord Chaos, the king of the freaking universe, like an old friend, now he's muttering something about going OVER the sea. Did I mention he talked about going OVER the sea? How does one have the ability to do such a thing?

"Children, follow me. We are going to a camp for people like you. You know what you are, I presume?"

"Yes. We're demigods. But—" Thalia tries to ask about everything, but Percy cuts her off.

"Now, let's go. No time. No time. We must be there soon."

"Why?" Annabeth says.

"Because, now come."

The children realize that they could get off the streets, not fight everyday, meet others like them. It was those reasons that lead them into following the mysterious canine.

Perseus lead them to a boat on the sea. Not just any boat, but a boat made of water. That lead the young demigods into being more confused.

"Umm. Are we supposed to ride in that thing?" Luke asked, "it's kinda made of water."

"And why would that effect its ability to be a boat? I assure you, it works."

The trio was confused, but they trusted their new companion. So they got on the boat of water. Surprisingly, it held them.

Now that they were on it, they could feel it's aura. An aura of power, but not scary. It was calming. At ease. Not violent. Just relaxing. It felt old, like before the titans old.

Percy got on board and barked (A/N hehe) some orders to water spirts on the ship.

Then, they were off.


It took them exactly, 37 minutes, 28 seconds to make it from the coast of North Carolina to Long Island Sound. How that was possible, no one but Perseus knew. And he wasn't telling. Not anytime soon.

"This is where we part ways, young demigods. I shall see you later. Good bye." Percy brought the trio on to the beach.

He waved goodbye with his paw. "No. You can come with us." Thalia said, stubbornly.

"I cannot. Go. Tell Chiron the wolf has returned."

They, he simply flashed away. And the boat of water, fell into the sea. Both of them were gone. But not for good.

Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth did as they were told.

They walked into the camp, a camper directed them to the big house. They met Chiron and told him, "the wolf had returned."

A look of shock, happiness, and hope flashed across his face. "Did he say anything else?"

"Nothing much. Just that we had to be here soon. He was muttering something about how getting here in five days was to long. And we didn't have training." Thalia explained.

"You three will start training right away. There were probably monsters behind you. They can move a lot faster than humans. They will eventually find camp. There will be a battle. You must train to be in that battle." The centaur said. "Do you know your godly parents?"

"Son of Hermes, at your service."

"Daughter of Athena, ready for action."

"Daughter of Zeus, ready to report."

He sighed. Of course Zeus would break the oath.

"Thorn, show them around camp and to their cabins." Chiron called a son of Apollo over.

A/N if your reading my other book, you'll know that I currently have an obsession with the Shadow Magic series and the Five Kingdom series. They are both great, I recommend reading them both. If you didn't know, Thorn is from Shadow Magic

"Ok, sir." Thorn said, "follow me."

The children followed him out of the big house.

"O'Iris, goddess of rainbows, show me Perseus."

"Hello, Chiron. You called?"

Annabeth POV

Camp was pretty cool. I had brothers and sisters, and they were nothing like Matthew and Bobby. They actually cared for me.

There was a climbing wall, and for some reason was lava flowing from it. When I asked Thorn about it, he said, "a little extra challenge."

There was an archery range and an arena for practicing. Thorn seemed relieved that we had our own weapons, or we used to. Luke uses a golf club now, though he used a sword. Thalia uses a spear and shield. I use a dagger. Thorn told us he uses a bow or sometimes an axe.

"It's getting late," Thorn said after the tour. "You three should go to your cabins."

He was right. The sun was setting. The stars were coming out. The moon was rising.

"Ok, goodnight."

The four of us walked out separate ways, back to our cabins.

I think we made a friend here already.

A/N kinda short. I know. I just wanted to post this today. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to, TheDaughterofHades_ She asked me to post on this one, so this chapter is for you.

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