Chapter one

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3rd person
Thalia and Luke watch as the newest member of their family sleeps. Annabeth Chase, a 7 year old girl, probably daughter of Athena.

"Go sleep Thals," Luke says.

"No, it's my turn on guard duty."

"Let's both do it then."


They sit silently for an hour or two. At midnight they see a pair of eyes.

Eyes the same color of the sea. Eyes that seem to swirl and twirl. Eyes that are both beautiful, yet scary. Eyes that have seen too much. Eyes that are broken. Eyes that need love.

"Hello," Luke calls harshly.

Thalia and Luke thinks it's a monster.

The eye don't move. The eyes don't blink.

They stay the same for a few hours. Thalia and Luke watch the eyes. Finally, it's bright enough to see the body the sea green eyes belong to.

It's a dog. A raven black furred dog. It seems to come in peace.

It slowly walks towards Thalia. It rests its head in her lap. "Nice dog?"

It nods yes.

"Do you have a name?"

It shakes its head no.

"Would you like one?"


"What about...ummm,"

"Percy." Luke says, "what about Percy?"

The dog seems to like that. He walks over to Luke and licks his face.

Luke laughs.

"Do youbswear on the river Stx not to harm me, Thalia or Annabeth?"

Percy looks like in the eyes and nods. He barks a light bark.

Annabeth wakes up when she hears the bark. She think they might have been attacked. "Hello?" She calls.

"Annabeth, come out." Luke says, "we have something to show you."

Slightly confused, she walks out of the tent. She sees Luke and Thalia petting a dog. Annabeth asks about the dog.

"Why is there a dog here?"

"His name is Percy. We found him last night, or he found us. You can come pet him."


Percys fur was super soft.

Percy started to whimper and whine. "What is it, Perce?" Luke asks.

Percy barks. "I really wish you could talk." Thalia says.

Percy gives her a look like, it's me getting ignored, not you.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light.

"Who are you?" Luke asks.

"I am Chaos, Luke Castellan."

The trio bows. Percy tries to bow. Key word tries. He ends up just looking at the ground.

"Perseus, please step forward."

Percy steps forwards, but barks as if to say don't call me Perseus.

"But Perseus is your name. Or have you forgotten."

Percy squirmed. Chaos laughed.

"Perseus, I shall give you the ability of speech."

With that, Chaos flashed away in the most dramatic way possible— an explosive snap. By that I mean, he snapped. One explosion went boom behind him in his right. Another went on his left and then he took his big, flowy cloak and dragged it in front of him and flashed away.

A/N it's a short preview I guess if the story.

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