3rd Grade(2016-2017)

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After my Birthday, School year 2016-2017 started, i just turned 8 Back then, if you are wondering why im so young, read this seperate part of the story.

This is a seperate short story about why am i so young.

I was 2years old when my mom is enrolling me in my nursery school.

I wasn't accepted at first because i was too young, they only accept 3 1/2 year olds only.

But, my mom proved them wrong, according to my mom's words i can speak properly when i was 2, and also good at memorizing.

Then they tested me, i took an entrance exam, the Principal, or Sir Jayson was shocked that i only got 2Mistakes out of 30questions.

They soon accepted me in the school, that school year started on my birthday, so i turned three on my first day of school.


<•.•.•.•.•.•.•Back to the Story•.•.•.•.•.•.•>

Ok, this school year is the second most enjoyable year in my Elementary Experience.

Our new adviser's name is Ma'am Princess, she used to be my brother's adviser when he was in elementary.

All i can say is that she is a strict teacher, but not entirely, she likes makeup, and she is such a hardworking woman.

At the first day of school, which is also my birthday, but i kept it hidden from them, me and my old classmates talked about new classmates coming in, there is a new classmate, but only one, her name is Ciara, we weren't really close so I don't know much about her.

There's this Event called "Nutrition Month" where we celebrate July as the month of Nutrition, there are Dance competition where each section will perform, singing competition with a twist, poster and slogan making.

I joined poster making, together with my bestfriend yuan, we became the Champion we got our medals, our section also joined the dance competition, we also got champion.

We got a new Computer Teacher, her name is Ma'am Joyda, everytime we had computer class, we have a recitation, whoever gets a answer correct gets a chip, no, not the chips with calories, chips are papers with her signature on, 1 Chip = 1point, i remember having 227 back then.

Eshan also left CFSI, but i met my New bestfriend, Nicole, her personality is just like Kim's, but more, nicer, she is actually a good singer, and we shared some common interests,
She actually was my first Crush.

One time when we are studying for the exams in the library, i heard her talking to Martin, i heard that she also has a crush on me to, just kidding, I didn't hear it but martin told me, she was actually planning to tell me at messenger.

There is actually this one time that i was talking to John in our freetime, we didn't pay attention to what my adviser is saying, then everybody went silent and looking at us, then i look around and then saw Ergen writing my name on the noisy list at the blackboard, but being me as one of Ergen's friend, she erased my name pretty quickly.

Ma'am Princess is actually good at Teaching Physical Education, she was actually studying Yoga, she assigned us to bring Yoga Mats, i remember back then John brought a Doormat,
Then we went trough the Yoga, we did Splits, Handstands, and even Flexing our bones.

Then Ergen moved to the seat next to mine, a few weeks later after talking, we became close, since then we are always partners, helping each other with our activities.

Then our fieldtrip came, my dad was actually busy so i have no chaperon, Nicole also doesn't have a chaperon, so Ma'am Loise made us sit with each other, we barely even talked and i learned to live with it.

We went to Ocean Adventure together, eventually we ended up splitting because my father asked Jaeda's parent to take care of me, (because they were bestfriends)

Then us group went on a little field trip on our own, with Ashley, Ghab, Ghab's little Brother, Jaeda, Yuan, Fernan, Ethan, Me and My Brother Together with our parents, we went on tarlac to go to a church, we used our van, my seatmate was Ghab, i was so sick back then, i wasn't used to long trips, i accidentaly vomited on him, my dad made us stop in the nearest gasoline station, and cleaned myself, then we stoped by a thrift store to buy me clothes.

After two hours of mass, we went to the Clark Airbase Park to go for a PicNic, after that we went to PureGold DutyFree to go buy some groceries.

Shortly after we went in the school at 5pm to share our food with the guard, then after that we went home.

The last day came, as usual we also had our students day, i was happy actually because i got a break from studying, then at the recognition i was the Top 4, in fact i was the Top 4, 4 Times in a row.

But that didn't end there, i hugged Nicole for the First and Last time because i know that she will be going to a new school next school year.

We still haven't done our last activity, only few of us went in this activity because some of them are busy, and some of them have parents that don't want them to join.

Actually, only 5 of us came, and 2Sibling, with our parents, we Went to Porac, Pampanga's attraction Poracay, it is actually a resort and we will stay there for two days and one night.

It is actually a early Birthday surprise for my Brother, only Ashley, Ghab's Brother Daniel, Ethan, Yuan, Jaeda, Me and, My Little Bro came.

We stayed up until 11pm and played with the double decker bed, We played bingo, (our prize is Solo Fries) well i won, we enjoyed our bonding and im so glad i did

i was expecting to get enrolled early but.....

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