1st Grade(2014-2015)

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So here i am starting my Elementary Year,
At the age of 6, i was very nervous going to school because my dad mentioned that there are new subjects and more activities in that grade level.

I conquered my nervousness and went to the school, named Children Of Fatima School Incorporated, at first i was weirded out, and then a C.A.T. Helped me with my trolley bag and led me to my classroom

I met some of my classmates back when i was in Kindergarten, and i also met many new classmates, and some of them turned out to be my classmate until 6th Grade

I was soft hearted and Cry easily, even with the simplest things that would happen, like my classmate mistaken me for stealing his pencil, i cried out loud, then the teacher came, asking what's going on, i stayed silent and went through my day.

The Teacher's name is "Criselle", she is sweet and really good at drawing, she doesn't work in our school anymore but i wish i would see her again, she has a daughter, that girl was in her tummy back when we are in 1st Grade and now she is grown up.

I also had a tutor, named "Jan" in fact, he tutored me from kindergarten to 3rd Grade
He is also my computer teacher, so every time we have an assignment in Computer, he doesn't help me with it because some of my classmates may think its unfair

First Grading in 1st Grade, well i didn't do too good, i was the Top 10 in class, Then 8, Then 7 and Ended up in Top 5, I didn't do to well at first because I wasn't used to the new subjects like History, Science, and English, back then, i thought those were the hardest subjects .

I haven't experienced bullying back when i was in 1st Grade, in fact i was friends with all of them, i always get a chance to list down the names of my Noisy Classmates, back then, i feel like i was the boss.

I have a Girl BestFriend named Kimberly, i call her Kim, i remember all the things that we have done like, buying lunch for each other, being partners whenever there are activities, and Helping each other whenever Ma'am Criselle asks Kim or Me to do something.

Once a week, Ma'am Criselle lets us Play with our toys, i brought so many toys that day, and ended up losing all of them

She also had a BestFriend, which is also her assistant in teaching, that woman is also the guidance counselor of the school before Sir Prix(more of him at Part 3) she was kind and also very strict, she has a wonderful voice and i sometimes see her singing in our local church.

I remember the time where Ma'am Criselle went for her Maternity leave, she left the school with 2Weeks left, we had a new Teacher for the next 2Weeks, her name is Ma'am Monica, she is also our Librarian.

I remember that time, she got sick and we got a Temporary Teacher for the day, His name is Sir Lulu(Lukas), instead of teaching us, he made us sleep, at first he coudn't make us all sleep, so what he did is so good.

He turned off the lights, and massages our ears one student at a time, i tried so hard not to sleep and i managed to do it.

"sleeep, sleeep, sleeeeeeeeep," Sir Lulu said Whispering.

My other classmates decided to "Clean" they filled the bucket with water in the washing area, and then dumped it in the floor without mopping it, we didn't get any trouble for it which is good.

The last day came, no one was sobbing, instead, they were excited that the last day of school came, i dont know what is happening that day, but it's also the Student's day.

They had booth's like Movie Booth, Marriage Booth, Horror Booth Etc. , then they also have stands all around the school, some of them selling candys, ice scream, fruits, snacks, etc.

Then we had our recognition, we are so excited on getting our medals, so we went on the stage and i received my medal, i got to of them, my mother and father was so proud.

This is the time we are moving on to the next grade and saying farewell to my BestFriend, Kim.....

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