Chapter 13

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Rebekah had phoned Elijah to tell him that Klaus had come home and there were no signs he had killed anyone or caused problems and she hadn’t had any contact from anyone who would know what he had been doing. So he set off to see Scarlet.

As he arrived at the complex he was greeted by the doorman sitting behind the main desk, he rose to his feet when Elijah walked in.

“Good afternoon Mr Mikaelson, I have a key and a letter from your designer.”

Jack, the doorman was a large balding gentleman who looked like he was in his early sixty’s. Elijah really liked Jack he was always so polite, he was never nosey but kept his eye out for every resident. Elijah walked up to the desk and took a twenty dollar bill from his wallet to hand over to Jack. Jack shook his head.

“No that’s fine Mr Mikaelson, it is my pleasure, it will sure be a nice surprise for Miss Evans she has looked rather off colour of late, is she unwell? Forgive a nosey old man.”

Elijah smiled at Jack.

“You aren’t being nosey no, she has been under a lot of stress with work, and I will see she’s okay.”

Elijah left the money on the desk so Jack had no choice but to take it and he took the key and envelope and made his way towards the lift. He was really excited to show her her new studio but he was filled with trepidation over what had happened today, it had all gotten very odd, very quickly.  Once he was at the door he took a deep breath then placed his key in the lock and opened the door. He looked around the door gingerly in case there was going to be any flying objects, he wasn’t sure what on earth to expect. He saw nothing the place was quiet so far and then he heard a groan, walking over to the sofa he saw Scarlet laying on it on her back, she had both hands on her face.

Elijah walked around and perched on the edge of the sofa and stroked her hair.

“Oh Angel, let me look at you.”

She carefully moved her hands away but she was still squinting, her face was pale and her eyes bloodshot.

“God darling, what they hell were you doing and where were you?”

Scarlet closed her eyes, it was too bright and Elijah was rather loud.

“Firstly its way too bright in here, secondly don’t shout and lastly I was here you must know that.”

“I’ll get you some coffee then you can explain it all to me, I don’t understand how or why they let you come home from work? You didn’t seem ill this morning.”

This was the last thing she needed the Spanish inquisition from Elijah. She snapped at him but didn’t raise her voice too much.

“Oh bloody hell Elijah can you not just accept the fact that I am feeling stressed with all the stuff going on with you right now. I was angry I came home, I had some wine and I think some vodka. I got pissed, Jesus just shoot me already!”

He made the coffee quietly and removed his jacket while he waited for the water to boil. Once that was all done he rolled his sleeves up and carried the mugs to the coffee table. As he placed them on the coffee table Scarlet slowly started to sit up. Smiling Elijah looked around the room to see if she had done anything silly and it was then as his gaze came upon the two glasses on the table. His eyes widened, what had happened had she gone out and met someone else? Someone who she could have a normal relationship with?

“Scarlet who has been here with you?”

As she sat up and took hold of her coffee and looked at the two glasses Elijah was looking at. What on earth was he on about? Did he just forget he had one glass out last night and then use another?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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