Chapter 12

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Klaus picked up the phone and passed it to Scarlet; she blanched and pulled back a little.

“Just answer him, its fine.”

Scarlet shook her head and whispered as if he could hear her.

“No he will hear I’ve been drinking.”

Klaus tried to push the phone into her hand but she pushed him back. The phone stopped and Scarlet let out a deep sigh grateful he had given up. Klaus put the phone back on the table and poured her another drink. He wanted her to sound as slurred as possible it would wind Elijah up and anything that would annoy Elijah would make Klaus smile. Five minutes later the phone lit up and started to move as it started ringing once more and the screen notified them it was Elijah.

“Scarlet, you have to take it this time or the poor bloke will have a heart attack and die worrying about you.”

Scarlet still shook her head so Klaus took matters into his own hands and pressed the answer button and handed the phone to Scarlet. He could hear Elijah on the other end.

“Scarlet, Scarlet… Answer me damn it!”

His voice was full of concern; Klaus nodded to Scarlet as she took the phone took a deep breath and then answered him.


Klaus was so glad his vampire hearing would allow him to hear everything, he could really see the interaction between the two of them but mainly how Elijah was towards Scarlet.

“Where the hell are you? You’ve given me a hell of a fright, are you okay?”

Scarlet looked at Klaus, he nodded reassuringly to her and Scarlet concentrated on talking clearly.

“I’m at work, why where are you?”

There was a long pause Klaus could almost see Elijah in his mind, his face would be stoic but his eyes would show something else. He wondered if it would be worry, if he was so scared something had happened to her.

“Scarlet why are you lying?”

Scarlet pursed her lips in annoyance as she looked at Klaus.

“Why the hell would you think I was lying to you.”

Elijah was quick to snap back at her.

“Because I phoned work and they told me you left, Marcus said you had been given time to rest.”


Scarlet had no idea what to say now; she couldn’t get herself out of it as easily as she thought. But maybe she could tell a little white lie about her location.

“Please darling, tell me where you are, I’m worried baby.”

Scarlet felt her heart swell with love for the man who had won her heart so long ago, she could feel his concern and it showed her he did love her, why on earth had she ever doubted it.

“Sorry I didn’t want you to worry, I’m in a coffee house a few streets away.”

Klaus heard the sharp intake of his brothers breath and he was wondering exactly what he was thinking now.

Elijah felt at the end of his tether, why was she lying, why did she feel she needed to lie to him? Yes she was confused over their relationship he understood that but things were happening now that he was struggling to control and if there was one thing he needed to do was to get this situation under control before something exploded somewhere and he was not prepared to risk losing her. He knew it was a selfish thing; he wanted her to stay for him and never leave him alone. He tried to speak in a calming tone now, hoping deep down she could feel his love for her.

“Listen to me Scarlet, I know you are in a bar, I can hear the music so please don’t lie to me. Are you alone and are you somewhere of your own free will?”

Scarlet looked to Klaus who placed his finger in front of his lips and moved it side to side almost like a parent would to warn a child not to do something.

“Yes I’m on my own, but it’s okay I just need some time out.”

Elijah answered immediately.

“I am coming to get you, I am so worried. I am just with Klaus right now but I can drop him and come to you.”

Scarlet swallowed hard the lump that had appeared in her throat, why was he lying to her about that? He had another woman somewhere, he had to. It was either Rebekah or someone else and he had been cheating on her too.

“Leave me alone Elijah, I know you are lying, you aren’t with him. Is it another woman? Have you had enough of me is that it? Are two women not enough for you? Does the new woman do things I don’t?”

Elijah was silent he couldn’t work out why she was calling him out on that, where the hell had an idea about another woman come from? Not from her he was sure, someone had filled her head with stupid ideas.”

“Who is with you? I know someone is there.”

“Screw you!”

Scarlet ended the call and slammed the phone back down on the table. Now it was time for Klaus to be the good friend and console her and take her home, then he would compel her to forget she had seen him and she would only know she had gone home and had been drinking there, alone. It would be more than enough to mess with Elijah’s mind, he would know she had been compelled and then he could see exactly how his brother would deal with it. He wanted to see inside this apartment anyway, see what kind of a set up Elijah had, although he was relatively sure it would be some posh high class affair.

He took Scarlet home and exactly as he thought it was massive and filled with the most expensive and exquisite furniture. Very Elijah he thought to himself. He had no problems getting in because Scarlet opened the door and asked if he wanted to come in to see her designs. Lovely, he thought, an open invitation whenever he felt like it. Before he left he made sure he poured them both a glass of Elijah’s very fine bourbon and as he expected he had a very nice collection of spirits and wine he knew cost a fortune.

Exactly as he planned he compelled Scarlet to think she had come straight home from work and had a few drinks because she ‘needed’ it. She hadn’t seen anyone else and he told her to forget all about him and everything they had discussed, she had been alone the whole time and then told her to lie on the sofa and have a sleep before Elijah came back. The final touch was for Klaus to make sure both glasses were on the coffee table so when Elijah questioned her about who was in their apartment she would be positive no one had been there and she was convinced by her own words but the glasses would tell him that someone had and that person was a vampire. 

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