Chapter 11

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They came across a bar two streets away and Klaus placed his hand on the curve of her lower back as he guided her inside.

“What would you like love?”

Scarlet was still in shock, both at her boss and the idea Elijah had sent Klaus to give her a cock and bull story about not being able to see her for a little while. Her voice was quiet and it was so obvious in the way she spoke she wasn’t even on the same planet as the rest of the world.

“Yeah, that…. Is…”

She turned to look at the blond haired man in front of her and frowned.


Klaus walked towards her and rubbed up and down her back making her feel an increased connection to him. He guided her to a booth at the back of the bar and eased her into the seat.

“You wait here, I’ll be back soon yeah?... Did you say Vodka?”

Scarlet gave him a weak smile and nodded at him.

“I think I need a double with orange please.”

Klaus being Klaus went to the bar and ordered a bottle of bourbon for himself and a bottle of vodka and several bottles of orange juice for Scarlet. He returned to her with the waitress following quickly behind him with a tray full of their order. He sat down thanked the waitress and poured Scarlet a very large vodka, popped some orange into it and handed it over. Scarlet took a big mouthful without even looking at it and almost choked on the strong liquid.

“Jesus Klaus are you trying to kill me?”

She now looked at the table and back to Klaus after seeing the table with the bottles on it, she looked into his eyes and squinted at him trying to find answers in his eyes but she couldn’t see anything so she looked back into her drink.

“So he wants rid of me does he? Why the hell couldn’t he just have left me alone the other day and he wouldn’t have had to see me again.”

Her voice was sharp and bitter, Klaus showed a sympathetic smile to her, after all he was a caring ‘human’ looking after a woman in deep despair. If she ever found out it was him causing the despair she was feeling she would want to kill him just such a shame she couldn’t. Oh well he thought, never mind, let’s see where this goes.

“He didn’t tell me he didn’t want to see you again; he just asked if I would look out for you to make sure you were alright.”

Scarlet snapped her head up, her green eyes blazing at him.

“He did what?”

Klaus went to open his mouth and Scarlet held her hand up and grabbed the vodka bottle.

“Don’t even go there; seriously that arrogant fuckin’ asshole thinks I can’t look after myself…”

She paused for breath to fill her glass right up with vodka so much so the orange was a very feint colour. Klaus adored this temper on her, she was pretty fabulous. Thinking she had finished speaking he went to speak again and discovered she hadn’t finished.

“Poor little me, how on earth did I manage before Elijah walked into my life and totally fucked it up!... You know Klaus he came to me as someone who wanted to console me then says he is in love with me… Then he had to move but wanted me with him…”

She tossed the vodka down her throat without wincing this time and she refilled the glass. Klaus was surprised she had been in New Orleans for so long without anyone knowing about her, Elijah had been very clever.

“So like the idiot I am I totally believed he loved me and followed along like a little puppy.”

She silenced now and looked up at Klaus who placed his hand on top of hers.

His Little Secret - An Elijah Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now