Chapter 13

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The enemies were always one-step ahead of them.

As predicted by Selina, Ryker had disappeared once again.

Three days after informing Leo of Ryker's whereabouts, Leo and Eli had gone on the trail, with a few warriors accompanying them.

Only to find an empty house and no fresh scent to track the direction that he might have gone.

The only thing they had found was a piece of scrap paper, hidden behind a chest of drawers, with a pack name written on it.

Leo and Eli were going to investigate further.

The one thing that put Austin on alert, was the fact that Ryker had been right under their noses the whole time, hiding in the human town a few miles near the pack borders, hiding in plain sight.

Austin was angry, he should have listened to his mate, he should have gone right away and caught the bastard.

Now...the sick bastard roamed around still free as a bird.

Staring out into the darkness, from the window of Selina's little cottage, his mind and wolf were in chaos, wondering where Ryker could have gone and who had helped him.

Moreover, there was the still the conversation he had had with Leo and Eli, something that he still had not discussed with Selina.

Selina had woken up to an empty bed and sensing that she was alone in the room, she got up and made her way to the lounge, searching for her mate.

She knew he felt guilty about the disappearance of Ryker.

Finding him in the lounge, leaning against the window.

The only light illuminating the room was the light of the half moon that filtered through the window.

Making her way towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head against his back. She gave him, her silent support and comfort.

They stood there silently for a few moments, each taking comfort from the other.

"I've been going around doing things the wrong way..." He stated lowly, still staring out into the darkness.

Confused at his words, Selina moved around to face him, looking up at her mate, "What do you mean?" She asked, tilting her head sideways, watching him intently.

Looking down at her, he held her loosely in his arms, "All this time, I have wanted you to trust me." He sighed out, shaking his head in frustration, looking back out.

"But I should have been the one to show trust in you!" He growled out.

Smiling, she placed her hand on his cheek, turning his head towards her, "You believed in me, when I had told you what I had done to survive." Gazing directly at him, "You trusted that I didn't do it out of maliciousness or to gain power."

Holding her hand in place, he turned his head slightly, placing a kiss on her palm, "But I should have listened..."

Standing on her tiptoes, she placed a soft kiss on his lips, cutting off his words, "Let this be a lesson and you will soon learn to listen to your mate in the future." She gently chided him, teasing him, trying to lighten the sombre mood surrounding them.

Chuckling at his mate, he placed a kiss on her temple, "What am I going to do about you...?"

"Love me, feed me and never leave me." She retorted back, quoting a verse she had heard or read somewhere in the past.

Laughing out in surprise...when Austin scooped her up without warning and carried her to their room.

While muttering under his breath incoherent words, complaining at the sassiness of his mate.

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now