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Austin was on his way to Red Moon Pack, determined to reach there soon.

When his sister, Keira had arrived at Lunar Pack the previous day, they had all been searching for her, fearing for her life, wondering who had taken her.

Their anger spiked up, when she arrived with her mate, all bruised and battered.

Leo and their dad were ready to shift and maim the threat before them. It took everything in him to be able to calm himself and his brother, Leo.

They were ready to shed blood, but they needed answers and at the back of his mind, logically thinking...he could see that his sister did not fear her mate.

It was the only reason his wolf had remained calm and he was able to control his rage.

"Leo...She is not scared of Eli. Let's not be irrational and cause more harm." Austin mind linked his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder, calming him.

"Look at her! She is hurt! How can he not be responsible for this?" Leo growled back.

"Talk first...then act afterwards, as you deem fit." Austin stated firmly and respectfully.

At Leo's nod, he let go, watching as Leo approached Keira, everyone tense, waiting to see what happens.

Leo opened his mind link to them and they saw Keira's memories of the time she had gone missing.

They had adjourned to the conference room afterwards, discussing the next step in finding the culprits.

However...the only thing on Austin's mind was the image imprinted in his mind for eternity.

The female who had helped his sister, even though Keira could barely focus on her profile, instinct was telling him, that she was important.

Determined to find out, he had offered to go in Eli's place, needing to be at Red Moon.

His wolf wanted to leave right away, pushing relentlessly, giving him a headache. Frustratingly not telling him why, the only thing he could sense was that he needed to find the female ASAP.

This is why, after Keira left their pack that morning.

He had left Lunar Pack immediately, pushing the warriors that followed him, at a fast pace.

Wanting to reach RedMoon quickly and get answers.

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang