Chapter 6

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Austin's mind was in turmoil, on one hand, he could understand her reasoning, images of his sister and Chloe came to mind. And he knew without a doubt, he would have done the same thing, whatever the cost to himself and readily submitting, if it meant that his sister and Chloe were safe.

But, on the other hand, there were still all the girls who had been kidnapped, tortured and gone without a trace.

Would his sister still be around, if Selina didn't take a chance, would they still be searching?

How many were actually missing?

Also, the fact, that Ryker and his cronies were still out there, were they still a threat?

Had they really stopped the leader or was he only a small part of the plan and what was their plan actually?

So many questions and yet no concrete answers.

He was brought out of his deep thoughts, when he heard sniffles behind him, alert...he turned around, his gaze landing on his mate.

Concerned, he took a few steps forward, quickly gathering his mate, up into his embrace. Sitting down on the log, with her on his lap, he lightly stroked her face and hair, as she begun to sob in earnest. Muttering soothing words to calm her down.

And for a few minutes, the only sounds in the clearing were her cries.

Austin continued to rock back and forth, trying to console his mate, unsure what to do.

Almost at his wits end, it took him a few moments, to realise that his mate had finally quietened down. Gazing at his mate, he noticed that she had cried herself to sleep.

Gently wiping the tears from her cheeks, he placed a kiss on her temple.

"What am I going to do...?" He wondered, eventually standing up, adjusting his mate in his arms protectively and making his way back to the pack house.

As he approached the pack house, Cole rushed towards him, "What happened to her?" Concern etched on his face.

"Nothing..." He muttered out, continuing to make his way forward.

"Then why is she like that?" Cole persisted annoyingly, following him.

Growling lowly, "She is emotionally drained, bottling up feelings for a long period, she was bound to break." He elaborated, waiting for Cole to open the front door, giving him a nod in thanks, he made his way to his room.

Reaching his room, he lay her down gently on his bed, covering her up with a blanket. Brushing a few stray locks of hair away from her face, placing a kiss on her temple.

"I wondered how long it was going to take, for you to find out." Mara asked, standing by the doorway, watching them.

Frowning, he looked towards Mara, "You knew...?"

Shrugging her shoulders, she moved forward, "I guessed, Selina started acting weird...if that is the right description. I noticed a few things, observed...but nothing concrete."

Looking back at his mate, "So...why are you all protective of her?"

"She didn't tell you?" Mara asked.

"She told me a few things, but nothing in there that explains why you are all protective of her." He stated.

"She saved Alpha Eli's life two years ago. If it wasn't for her...I don't know where we all would be now." Mara explained.

"So...that is what she meant, when she defied orders." He mumbled, "Can you please watch over her, I would stay...but I need to get back to work."

"Its fine and I'll do one better. I'll get Chloe here, that way...when she wakes up, she won't be overly stressed." Mara spoke, watching as Austin nodded in agreement, placing another kiss on his mate's temple and leaving the room.

Mara gazed at Selina, wondering why the young woman had hidden away, whenever Austin was in the vicinity...

Captivated By Her Innocence - Book 2 - Finding Their Mates SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now