Chapter 7

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"Wow how did u know?!" Harry said sarcastically.

" Im kind of offended you think that I would ever go for someone like him," Gemma said crinckling her nose in disgust.

I laughed. I honestly had no idea.

"Well, we have more people to meet so talk to you latter harry," Gemma said pulling me away but harry had a strange look on his face. He wouldn't stop staring at me, even when I was being pulled away I was looking behind me as our gazes held intill he finally looked away.

I have to admit he was super attractive and those eyes I could look at them all day but nope noooooo boys exspecially boys like him.

I have him all figured out. He's the type of guy. Who's very charming and sweet just so he can get a girl then after one night drops her like a dead fish.


It was about 10 o'clock and we had been here for about 2 hours and it was starting to get boring.

I was surrounded by people I was introduced to but couldn't remeber there names.

So I just sat here silently taking small sips of my water.

For some odd reason Harry keeps looking back at me. I don't think he knows I see him but every time our eyes meet he looks away. He was watching me, but I had no idea why.

" Hey baby," someone says into my ear. "why would a girl like you be put her all alone," the stranger says with a smirk.

The strange boy seems to be very close to me. His freind sits across from me staring at me with an odd grin that makes me uncomfortable.

"You never answered my question baby," the boy says.

"Oh I'm just waiting for my freind to come back from the bathroom," I say setting my drink on the table in front of me.

"Okay I believe you, Lucas by the way," he says smilingly.

He dosent seem as creepy anymore but there is still something up with him. Exspecially his freind over there.

I look back at him and I'm staring in to dark brown eyes that seem to almost capture you. "Savannah," I say looking back at the croud.

"Well it's nice to meet you Savannah, I hope I get to see that pretty face of yours again" He says getting up along with his freind and walking away.

I take a sip of my drink. Wow I hope all the guys at this school aren't that strange I thought as I set my drink back on the table.

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you," A deep raspy voice says standing in front of the sofa.

"Why, did u put something in it." I said laughingly back to Harry.

" No but he did, " he says pointing to Lucas who has now made his way to the opposite side of the room.

"Please, he wouldn't do that. He seemed nice and I'm not stupid enough not to know when my drink was messed with. And plus I feel fine." I say back with force.

He does a little laugh and says, "Alright your call, but I better stay with you because I can tell this is going to be fun."

"Fine, but if you going to be following me around all night at least get me a drink," I say with attitude.

He laughs and says "yes your hiness," in a jokeing matter.

He gets up at walks away to go get a drink for me.

Wait, what did I just say. That wasent me talking was it? I'm so confused right now and all I feel like doing is drinking and dancing. Maybe someone did mess with my drink. O well I honestly don't feel like caring right now, so I decide to keep it up.

Once Harry walks back and hands me my drink, I throw it back and throw the cup on the table.

"Let's go dance," I say to Harry who is obviously shocked by this wild side I never new about.

He dragged me into the big croud and we started dancing and that's when everything started to blur.


I honestly had no idea where I was, but I was with Harry so I knew I was okay.

Wait how did I even end up with Harry?

I'm so confused and drunk that I'm trying not to think right now.

We seemed to be walking along the side of the building and Harry was about a foot away from me.

I am pretty sure the party had died down but I was to tired to ask or even ask where we were going.

All of a sudden were but what I think is his car and he opens the door for me.

Relazation hits me for a secound and I say "wait where are we going," I question to Harry.

"Gemma asked if I could bring you home because she had gone home with some guy," Harry says to me.

"Okay," I say to tired and drunk to question. Usually I would be more worried because I barely know Harry.

I got into the car and put my head against the rest and feel asleep. I never feel fully asleep though because my eyes with open then close like I'm away but I'm not.

The next thing I know I'm being picked up bridal style oh t of the car. I don't even remeber Harry getting out.

Once again to tired to argue so I just go with it and rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

He sets me on my bed after entering the room. I feel asleep so quickly on his shoulder that I barely remember the walk up hear.

I remeber him saying something then me somehow being pressed up against the wall and a kiss being involved but that's when everything started to blur.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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