Chapter 3

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After a what seemed like an hour long hug and a few tears were shed, by my aunt aunt Sarah of course, I was finally able to make it into my dorm.

As I walked into my dorm i was suprised on how small the room was. It was rectangular space room with to twin size beds on either side of the room . At the end of each bed was a sodden four drawer dresser. Next to each bed was a small matching beside table.To my suprise the bed on the other side of the room was made with gray and white pillows and cork boards with pictures filled the wall.


After unpacking and getting settled in I did some light reading. Once getting bored I made my way over to the other side of the room and found my self looking at some pictures on the wall. It was pretty to guess who my roommate was, because she was in every picture. I had never met her before but she seems to be really pretty.

Most of her pictures seemed to consist of family and friends but in almost every picture there seamed to be a dark curly haired boy. I figured its most likely her boyfriend.

" Good to know I have a stalker as a roommate." I hear a joking voice say from the doorway.

I turned around embarrassed. Great, now she probly thinks I'm some creppy stalked. I hadent even heard her come in the door.

" Haha im just messing with you. Anyways, I'm Gemma, Gemma Styles," a thick British accent says.

" Hi, I'm Savannah Hylan it's nice to meet you."

" Same to you, so what were you doing anyway?" She asked curiously.

" Oh yeah," I say, " I'm really sorry about that, I had been her for a while and had gotten a little bored and somehow found my self on the other side of the room."

" I fine, so where are you from?, she asked.

" Not to far from here only about an hour away. How about you." I questioned.

" Holmeschapel, England. I have always wanted to move here because my parents got a divorce when I was little and my mum moved over here. So I made the disishion to move over her. Enough about me, do you have any family back home.

"Um, yeah," I said a little to quickly. I don't want anyone to find out about my parents because I don't want everyone's sympothy.

She looked a little confused by my quick remark but didn't try to push the subject.

" So are you going to the bonfire tonight? It's basically a tradition for freshmen." She asked.

"Oh, um, no thanks I was planning on going to the library and getting ready for classes tomorrow," I said. I reminded my self not to get involved in those kind of activites.

" Are you sure? It will be fun. You can meet some of my friends." She said excitingly.

" Thank you, really, I need to get ready for classes tomorrow but you go, have fun. " I said.

" Okay well, I guess I'll be going. I'll see you later though." She said as she started to walk out the door.

" See you later!" I said back.

As she was walking out the door she popped her head back in the room and said " oh and it's nice to know your not a stalker" she said laughingly thus leaving the room.

After meating Gemma I feel like this whole college has brightened up a bit. But that dosent mean I'm planning on being miss popularity and go to party's and get drunk every night. That's actually the complete opposite.

Even though I only just met Gemma I can tell we're going to get along very well.

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