Chapter Two - Off Day on a Day Off

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Not my best, I'm sorry. But, I wanted to thank everyone for the support and comments I've been getting, and the amount of reads! I was jumping for joy when I got 100 reads this morning, then I logged back in this afternoon to see it was at 200 reads! WOW. Thank you!!

Not edited just yet by the way.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Some say friends are forever, or chicks before dicks, and all those stupid sayings. Growing up, I stood by those completely, like the fool I was. Looking back, I may have well been a rug based on how much I had let people walk all over me. Needed a ride home? I’d take the half hour out of my homework to take you. Didn’t have a lunch or money? I’d give you mine.

It was my own fault, I didn’t know how to confront people, or say no for a change. I just couldn’t handle disappointing anyone.

Maybe that’s why Sarah did what she did. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t that big a deal for her to jam that knife into my back, and twist it while it was in.

I need to stop over thinking the whole thing. In these two years I had probably analyzed the heck out of it. Distracted by my own swirling thoughts, I jumped up, hissing in pain as I spilt some of my searing hot coffee onto my legs. To make matters worse, I was in my pajama shorts, so there was no fabric to filter out some of the hot beverage. That’s a great way to start of my Saturday.

Today was a rarity. It was my day off. I feel like when most people have days off, they go somewhere fun, or actually accomplish something, and here I am. Playing the role of couch potato, sipping on coffee, and watching old re runs of Drake and Josh. Thrilling, huh? Not to mention it’s 3:00 PM.

Placing the traitorous tigger mug down on the side table, I walked to the bathroom, quickly sticking my leg in the shower to run cold water over my burning flesh. Ok, maybe I was exaggerating a little, but it hurt! Sue me for letting the pain get to my head.

As I twisted the facet, water shot out of the shower head, which to my luck was clearly defective, as it drenched not only my leg, but the rest of me.

“Of course…” I muttered. Slumping my shoulders, and grabbing a towel. A sudden knock sounded out on my door, and I trudged back in. I didn’t even have to open the door, seeing as the second I reached for the knob, Sophie swung open the door, clearly abusing the second key card to my room.

“Wont you come in” I said sarcastically, shutting the door behind her.

“Why are you soaked?” She replied, in a clipped tone. No hello, no how are you, just staright to the point.

“I decided I wanted to see what the life of a goldfish is like”

“Your sarcasm is not needed” ,She just rolled her eyes, “Now get changed, we have a flight to catch”

She tossed me a management approved outfit, and started packing away my things.

Day off? No such thing.


“You still haven’t told me where we’re going” I pointed out to my manager, zipping up my black suitcase. I was used to these last minute flights, and getting packed quickly. Sophie wasn’t always exactly accommodating to normal human needs, seeing as she was surely a robot herself. I followed her out of the room, stepping in the classy elevator.

A shiver went down my arms, the cold air of the lobby hitting my arms through the cutouts in my white blouse. I wondered if management realized how stupid I looked, dressed in a pair of studded shorts and blouse in early October. Surely magazines were writing all about my lack of common sense.

A Bottle of Hairdyeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن