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Smoothing my freshly manicured fingers over the deep blue, bell shaped high waited skirt, I let out a nervous breathe. The false lashes felt heavy on my eyes, and a twisting knot in my chest tightened in excitement. The cheers of the crowd echoed from the stadium, traveling through the attatching halls.

Countless crew workers wished me luck as I walked to the entrance, my ivory ankle boots clacking on the hard concrete floor.

"Break a leg" A familiar face encouraged, Sophie handed me the purple microphone and smiled reassuringly at me.

After thanking my manager, I walked on, stepping threw the threshold of the stage, welcomed by screams and posters. The blinding spotlights obscured my view of the audience, and felt hot on my face.

I smile brightly to my fans and waved to the crowd.

The nerves were soon replaced by the adrenaline of performing and the concert began.

Two years ago this was merely a dream. An impossible, unattainable, dream. All it took was a broken heart, a backstabbing fake friend, and purple hair dye to get it.

How about that?


vote and comment, let me know if its worth writing :) I just want to know someone will be reading before I bother continuing :)

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