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"Mom!" I yell. "Dad!"

"Sweetie, it's so good to see you," my mom says.

"How are you guys?" I ask.

"So good," my dad says.

Zion walks up behind me and I smile at him. "Mom, dad. This is Zion," I say.

"It's so nice to officially meet you," Zion says giving my mom a hug.

He shakes my dads hand and my dad smiles, "Nice to meet you. We want to thank you again for contacting us."

Zion smiles and looks at me. He looks back at them, "It's no problem at all. I really wanted to surprise her."

"Well were you surprised?" My mom asks.

"Most definitely," I say.


When we get back to the house I introduce my parents to the boys. They all get along very well and I can tell this is going to be such a great time.

"How long are you guys staying?" I ask.

"A week," my mom says. "And we already booked a hotel since we know you have a full house."

"Actually Zion did," my dad says.

I turn around and I glare at him, "Did you pay for everything?"

He chuckles, "Of course I did. It was a gift to you, so I just took care of everything."

"Thank you," I say.

"No need to thank me."

"Well we are going to head over to our hotel because it's getting late," my dad says. "We will be over tomorrow, so we can all do something together."

I give them a hug, "I love you guys."

"We love you too," my mom says.

Zion comes over and gives them both a hug. He acts like he has known them forever and that warms my heart a lot. I'm glad he gets along with them so well. It makes me happy.

They walk out of the house and I shut the door. I turn around to Zion and I literally jump on top of me. He catches me and starts laughing.

"When? How?" I ask.

He sets me down and walks over to the couch. I sit down next to him while the boys grab the table and chairs. It's game night for us.

"I contacted them about three weeks ago. I introduced myself to them and I got to know them a bit. I told them my plan and they thought it was a great idea. Now they are here."

"Why though?"

He smiles, "Because when we first met I remember you telling me how you wish you could see your parents since you haven't seen them in forever. I wanted to surprise you with them coming here to visit."

"You are the best," I say laying my head on his shoulder.

He laughs, "I know I am."

"Oh, shut up, cocky ass."

He laughs and I stand up. I sit down at the table and so does Zion.

"So how about we play Monopoly first?" Brandon suggests.

Zion starts laughing and he winks at me. I kick his leg underneath the table and we all start laughing.

This really is the shit I have to put up with when there is five stupid ass boys around.

But I love it.


When I wake up in the morning Zion is snoring super loudly. I giggle and I roll over so my whole body is laying on top of his.

"Wake up!" I yell in his ear. He rolls over and groans.

"Why do you always do this?" He asks.

I laugh, "Because it's fun and you love me."

"You are right about that, but it's not fun for me," he complains.

"Fun for me though," I say.

I get off of him and he gets out of bed. He starts to get dressed and so do I.

"What are we going to do today?" I ask.

"We should take them to that art museum thing," he says, "I think they would like that."

I smile, "They would love it. Let's do that."

Once he is dressed he lays back down in bed and I roll my eyes, "Caleb, you can't sleep all day long."

"Cuddle with me," he says holding out his arms.

I laugh. "We have to leave."

He puts his lips out, "Please. Just for ten minutes and then we can leave."

"Ugh," I say. I lay next to him and he wraps his arms around me. He plays with my hair and I close my eyes. I know I'm going to fall asleep.

"You know I love you, right?" He asks.

I smile, "I know that. And I love you."

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