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Zion and I have been dating for two weeks now and it's so amazing. I really thought I would freak out because of Justin, but I'm okay with everything. We already acted like we were together before and I was okay then, but now it's more official and it's the real thing.

His parents left over a week ago and they were so amazing. They were both so sweet and so nice to me. They excepted me and they were happy for Zion and I.

"You guys ready to go?" Brandon yells from downstairs. Right now we are going to a party and I don't want to go at all. I'm absolutely terrified to go and I don't want to, but I'm going because Zion wants me to go. I told him I didn't want to go, but he is being a dick.

"Ivy, you ready?" Zion asks me while walking in the room with his shoes.

"Yes," I say getting up from the bed. I put my shoes and I grab my phone.

I walk past him and he grabs my arm very gently, "Are you really mad at me? We don't have to go."

"I'm not mad that you want to go," I say, "I'm mad because you are being a dick about it."

He sighs and lets go of my arm, "I know and I'm sorry. We can stay home. I shouldn't have acted like that."

"It's okay," I say. I give him a kiss on the cheek and he smiles lightly. "We are still going though. I didn't spend time to get dressed up for nothing."

He laughs, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I say. If I'm being honest no I'm not sure. I hate parties and I never want to go to them. They freak me out because of Justin. He always had people for parties and I did everything for them. And all of them tried to fuck me too. 

I don't want to go at all, but I'm a good girlfriend and I don't care at this point. I guess we are going.

He takes my hand and we walk downstairs together. They boys are all waiting by the staircase.

"Took you guys long enough," Austin says.

"Shut up," I say.


We enter the party and it's so crazy already. There are tons of people dancing around and the whole place smells of weed and alcohol. This is another reason I hate parties. This is exactly how my damn house smelled the whole time I lived with Justin. It was always drugs and alcohol. It was so awful.

People have on slutty outfits and tons of girls are hitting on the guys. I hate that shit. That's how it always was for me and I couldn't control it at all.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Zion yells over the blaring music.

"No," I yell back. I don't drink because it always seems to make matters worse and I don't want to get drunk anymore.

We walk to the kitchen and he pours himself a drink and gets me a water. I take a sip and he smirks at me. "I want you to meet someone."

I nod my head and he grabs my hand. He drags me to the living room area and takes me over to some girl. She has long black hair and her eyes are a bright blue. Her clothes are normal and they aren't anything too crazy. She is very beautiful.

"This is Diamond," Zion says. "She has been a friend of all of ours forever."

She smiles and leans in for a hug. I hug her back, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Ivy."

"Zion has told me so much about you. It's nice to finally put a face on the girl he never stops talking about."

I smile. Does he really talk about me to her all the time? "Okay, Diamond, you can stop making me look stupid now."

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