[ 4,hospital ]

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" no! I don't want to! I want to be with you guys! I... don't want to live anymore. " the older woman cupped the crying female's face with a motherly smile on her face.

" you can't. you can still live, you're alive y/n. don't let your emotions take over you, you're a strong girl dear." the slender fingers of the mother were met with more warm drops.

" k-kaa-san... why? why do I have to be alone? why can't I be the one who died? why did I survive? why can't you guys be the one who survives? why did I woke up? why? why! why.. didn't I save you guys.." then y/n felt her mother's arms wrapped around her body, pulling her closer.

" everything that happened have its reasons. you were meant to be alive dear, don't question those things and keep on living, for us? live your life to the fullest, don't let the past drag you down. don't let the past overshadow the present, don't let it took control of your future.

we won't be any happier if our daughter, our eldest child, our dependable sister, our strong fighter, our lovely princess gain happiness in her life and successfully created her own happy ending.... so please, for our sake, for your sake... stay strong. keep on fighting and never give up. " a loud wailing came out from y/n 's trembling lips.

" it's time y/n. remember what I said okay? I love you y/n and forever will."

" I love you too kaa-san, so much. "

" farewell my princess. "

" you're awake! y-you're awake senpai.. thank god... I was so afraid.. s-senpai.. are you feeling better? " a familiar voice came inside my mind.

my eyes fluttered due to the direct light of the lamp above me.

" ya... shiro? w-where am I? a-and can you turn off the light? It's hurting my eyes "

" aa yes! oh and you're in a hospital senpai.. kou was worried sick when he received the information. he's outside, should I invite him in? hanako said he don't want to come here.. the reasons? maybe because he's bounded? " I hesitated before nodding to the younger girl.

" alright then! the doctor won't tell me anything about your condition but make sure to eat properly and rest well okay! " I replied to her concerned advice with a small noticeable smile.

she slide the door to my room and closed it before the door slides again.

" nee-chan! y/n nee-chan! I'm sorry for not protecting you! are you okay? please tell me you're okay , I'll accept any demands from you onwards so please be alright "

I let out a soft giggle and told him to lower down his head before flicking my finger on his forehead.

the boy groaned in pain , " why did you do that? ".

" you were too silly , I'm okay and no need to apologise , it was never your fault to start with kou-chan. "

" b-but.. if I were there— "

" shh... it's alright now kou. look at me, I'm all energised now! so don't take the blame when it's not your fault kou. beside things already happened. " I said before ruffling his hair.

" there, there... now that I remember.. who took me to the hospital? " the pink shades on the boy face faded and he answered the question.

" tsuchigomori sensei called the hospital and an ambulance came, I don't think anyone saw you because it was late and everyone had gone home. "

humming to the answer y/n asked the younger boy again , " you won't go back to your home? while you're at it you can inform my family— oh right they're away "

" wait... I'm warded at a hospital.. doesn't that mean.. I need to pay?! well sure I'm happy I won't be going to school but not my saving! " kou let out a small chuckle and grinned while giving the patient a thumbs up.

" don't worry! my parents already managed all of the paying and no , you don't need to pay it back. "

" I swear I'd die to have neighbours like you and your family. " the female thanked him and convinced him to go back home since it was late, " I demand you to go back home and take care of tiara and teru. "

" suddenly it felt so empty... heh. " she noticed her tote bag beside her and took out a sketchbook and its sketching tools before giving her whole attention to the sketch.

" y/n-chan, it would be better if you eat some food. " the nurse that suddenly came into her room said. while taking back the untouched tray and its food.

y/n lay her head back, ignoring the nurse advice. The nurse was about to walked out when she said,

" oh and the doctor said your condition is worsening. " she mumbled a couple rants before asking the nurse to turn off the lamp.

" I'm not your maid your highness. " even if she said that, she still turned off the lamp.

" she didn't change at all since I first met her. " the (h/c) haired chuckled to the thoughts of how the nurse used to put up with her mischievous behaviour.

now lets introduce you to the said nurse, iwanaga kyouka. She's been in charge of y/n since the first day they met , which is when she learned how to write and talk, 4 years old to be precisely.

funny right, how you don't even know much about yourself yet here you are, talking about these things when you don't even remember them existing in your memories.

like what she usually reminds herself, blame the author for not telling you enough information about hikari y/n.

which is her but at the same time you as well.

" I'm sorry if this talk is beating your standing brain cells. oh look! I better go now, don't wanna get caught do I? bye dear my thousand other self! don't say anything to the author about this okay? goodbye for the time being! "

" and... done. " the girl chuckled , she looked at the ceiling and there appeared a galaxy coloured black hole which lead to who knows where.

" hey there. "


some of you are probably confused by this new chapter , just like this one recent comment , " rip fourth wall " .
that's a big hint you know , so no more hints after this! I need to go now , bye!

edited; 22/11 | I'm tired lol I'll stop editing now. 'll continue it later bye

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