Chapter 8 - Yeji

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Time Jump Attempt #2

"Hey, Ryuddaeng! You'll tell me if there's anything bothering you, right?"

"Of course, Yeji."

There it is again. The same words coming out of Yeji's mouth and the same reply Ryujin gives. It's obvious that something is wrong but she won't tell Yeji whatsoever.

'How do I make her tell me?' Yeji thinks as she starts walking away.

Soyeon walks up to her and matches her footsteps as they go behind the building. It's yet another fail of convincing Ryujin that she should feel safe and can trust Yeji with anything.

"Anything?" Soyeon asks with hope.

Yeji's simple shake of her head is able to give her answer.

"What do you think we should do next? We're literally making no progress," Soyeon says exasperatedly.

It is then that Yeji notices that this mission is taking a toll on not only herself, but for Soyeon too.

"Sighhh, I'm sorry this is taking so long. I just don't know how we can save her. You can leave if you want, but I'm not giving up," Yeji tells the short haired girl.

"What? You're kidding me? Of course I'm not abandoning this mission! Even if Ryujin's not my friend, you are, Yeji. I will be with you very step along the way."

Yeji sniffles as she smiles in reply. They grab each other's arms and travel back to present day.

Seoul University for the Prestigious & the Top (SUPT)
Girl's Dormitory
5:15 am
Day 1 (day after the incident)

"Hey, I think we should take a break. I know that it seems like we're just going through a day, but we've actually been working for 48 hours straight. And I don't think we're gonna make any progress at this rate," Soyeon says as she guides Yeji into her dorm.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Why don't you crash here? You must be too tired to go back home, Hmm?"

"Thanks, I'll take up that offer," Soyeon says as she jumps onto the couch in the shared living room.

"Yeji? Is that you? Oh! Soyeon, you're here too!" Lia says as she walks into the living room.

"Hey Lia, we just came back from a mission," Yeji says as she sees Soyeon already fast asleep.

"Oh, I see. Well, I got a call earlier today. They were asking for you, maybe you should call them back when you have time?"

'Oh, poop. SAPP probably found out that I'm doing the mission even thought they told me not to," Yeji thinks as she tells Lia, "oh, ok. I think I have an inkling about what they're going to say. Thanks Lia."

Lia smiles as she walks back to her room. It is really early in the morning after all, they all need to sleep.

Yeji thinks back to how she met Lia. It was when Ryujin dragged her to a business party her family held. She didn't want to be alone with "a bunch of snobby losers" as Ryujin put it, so Yeji decided to accompany her. However, as the daughter of a major business leader, Ryujin was whisked away and Yeji was left at the party.

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