Chapter 7 (mexican meetings)

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We sit in silence as I look up meeting eyes with Daryl. He was giving me a disgust look I roll my eyes and speak
"Cat got your tongue Dixon?"
He then gives me a shockingly glare
"No I'm just tryna point how a girl survived on her own this long" He says pretty sure he burned me
"No wonder u didn't survive on your own sucking on big brother for safety. I could kick your ass right now"
Glenn let out a small laugh "she got u there Daryl" Glenn says

You could tell he was getting really pissed off but it was funny to watch. We finally get at the department store we get out quietly and quickly heading up to the roof to get merl. I had my bow ready for anything. As we get to the stop the chain was broken and Merle not there. Blood dripping from the cuff and his decapitated hand on the ground.

Even though Daryl is an asshole he didn't need to see that. He started to cry and scream in agony. I stand there next to t-dog as Daryl points a gun at t-dogs temple I grab mine putting it on the side of his head as Rick did the same thing.

"I wouldn't try that if I was you, you got two guns on your head, go ahead if u want to die" Rick says with his finger on the trigger. He drops down his gun putting back in his holster as Rick did the same thing watching carefully. I did the same thing, Rick nods at me, I nod back. We walk back out seeing a stove with burned flesh on it. I gag as I realize what he did.
"That's my brother for ya, he must have snuck out the window. He is a tough son of a bitch"

Glenn grabs a marker and starts placing things to go get the guns.
"Ok Rick and t-dog you stand in front of the entrance we came from and Alex and Daryl with come with me watching my ass. You guys have the quietest weapons and also I have people on my ass where ever I go"

"I can't with that bitch" Daryl says
"Grow up, we have a job to do, u can survive with me for 10 minutes" I say putting my hair in a ponytail and grabbing my bow.
"Alright so I will be right here" Glenn goes on about the areas and how he will move.

"Hey kid, what were you before all of this?"Daryl says

"Pizza delivery guy, why?" Glenn says getting up

Daryl shakes his head and we all realize how he knows how to go around things.

Daryl and I follow Glenn with our bows out. With his crossbow and my combat. We all nod at each other getting in positions as Glenn takes off.

I stand in front of the gate Glenn went through watching as he circled through. All of a sudden I see the bag being thrown to my feet as I see Glenn being took away and Daryl trying to shut up a guy u came on his a side.  I shot an arrow in one guys ass as they drove away.
"GODDAMNIT" I yell as I grab the guys collar around his shirt. Daryl still had his bow on his head as I pin him to the wall staying quite not to draw any attention to the walkers.
"Where the fuck did you take him" Daryl says

I slam him again trying to get an answer. "He is long gone" The boy speaks, I pull him inside the building throwing him in a chair.

Rick points his gun at the boy,
"Where did they take him"

"The Korean dude probably back to camp, u will never see him again" The boy speaks

"And they will never see you" I say tying his hands to the chair

"Bitch" The boy tries to speak before Daryl had enough

"Do you want to see what happened to the last guy that pissed me off" Daryl says getting into his bag pulling out his brothers hand, he throw it on his lap. "This time I will start with the feet" He lunges at the boy that is screaming in disgust.

"Daryl we need him, to find Glenn" I say making sure he doesn't get to the boy. I walk over with my knives out putting it to his throat. "Now why don't u take us to your camp we will deliver you and we get our boy back or I can just kill u now and no one wins."

"Ok, ok, ok I will take you just don't take my hands or feet"

"No promises" I chuckle.

Rick looks at me and nods his head as in I know my way to get what I want. We get out of the department store and start to walk on a dirt road. Daryl and I had our bows out on each side of the boy Rick was behind him with his gun to his back, t-dog was on top of the building guarding us if anything happened.

"Martinez! It's me open up." The boy yells. A man and four others come out locked and loaded.
"Ahh I see you have one of my men" The man names Martinez speaks.

"And you have one of ours" Rick speaks "a even trade your man for ours" He continues

"You also have my bag of guns"-Martinez
"They are my bag of guns"-Rick
They were in the streets can be anyone's guns" -Martinez

"If you don't go now I will feed your Korean friend to my dogs, got em at a yard sell"

"Look man we just want our friend, not really fair if we give you our guns and the boy huh" I say trying to reason

"Ain't you the one who shot my Buddy in the ass with a arrow" Martinez says

"He got in the way" I say being the biggest bitch I can. The man I shot tried to come at me but Daryl had my back standing in front of me

I push him out of the way "I got it" Daryl backs up as I stand facing the man.

"Yours for mine" I say pointing at the boy and the direction of their camp

(I can't remember the guys name so I'm just gonna say Martinez I'm sorry don't come at me)

As we had our guns up ready to just blow then away and so did the opposite crew a old innocent voice comes out

"Martinez, Martinez what are you doing"

"Go back in ma it's ok"

I put my gun to my side confused as a old elderly woman comes in front of Rick

"Please officer don't rest my grandson he is a good boy"

I finally understand now. Not everyone knows what's going on.

"Mam I'm not here to arrest your grandson. I'm trying to find a missing person"

"Asian boy? Follow me"

We follow the lady right to Glenn who was helping an elderly man. I run up to him hugging him

"Thank god you are ok I thought he was gonna-"
I cut myself off as I see three chiwawas sitting in a dog bed.

"I take my little revolver out of my holster and hold it to Martinez's head "are these the dogs"

Rick grabs my arm signaling me to calm down and stop.
I put it back in my holster as Rick and Martinez walk out of the room

"Thanks for your help back their" I say to Daryl being kind and showing gratitude

"For what? I didn't do anything u r the one who stood up for yourself"

I smiled at I turned my focus back on a elderly man and watched t-dog waltz inside putting his hand on my head.
We stayed for 30 minutes before we walked out to leave. Our car was gone.

"You got to be shitting me, who in hell did this" I say pissed

"Merle" Rick speaks as we all stand in shock

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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