Breath of the Void: Chapter 2

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And here's the second chapter for this update. As I said, Sagittarius is a quicker updated story than this one. Anyways, enjoy~


Miyamoto Musashi, by all rights, should be dead. She knew this and she had accepted it. But to suddenly open her eyes up in the middle of a forest with her lungs burning and somehow repairing themselves from the damage the smoke did to them? She had been thrown off.

And to find that all her other minor injuries, all the rips and tears in her clothes, and the chips in the blades she used were all fixed?

She had been startled.

She had been even more startled to find that a cloak and kasa that fit her were lying in the snow next to her with Old Man Muramasa's sword and her eyepatch. Her right eye was still damaged, but she didn't feel a scar there. The blindspot certainly would have been a problem to a normal person, but she had never been that normal. It wasn't fully blind, after all. When she reached Zero she had felt it— the power of the grail that merged with her all those years ago had started to settle.

When she had woken up in the snow in whatever world this was, she was right on the cusp of being a true Servant.

In short, her new day had started with many surprises.

She first needed to figure out what time period she was in. That wasn't going to be too hard since clothing often changed over the years. And if it was after the Warring States Era, then Edo or Tokyo would be the capital. Once she figured that out, she could hopefully figure out what to do next.

Musashi had made her way down the mountain in the deep blue colored cloak and with the kasa on her head after she came to her bearings. Her five swords were all accounted for, strapped securely onto her waist and back, and she could feel that despite perfecting her swordsmanship, she was itching for a fight again.

She had initially not known what to do after she reached Zero, but she figured that if she was here, then there was a reason for her to be. Maybe she could go even farther? She couldn't go past Zero, but maybe could work on perfecting another's swordsmanship?

That Kojiro's fighting style was certainly interesting. Reaching Infinity in order to beat Zero?

Imagine the possibilities!

That was what Musashi had been thinking when she reached the village overrun by Demons. She had known without needing any confirmation that those who were killing and feasting on the villagers that they were Demons.

Of course, they didn't have the same red eyes like the Demon Swordsmen, but they did have karma— it felt different as if it was a tie to something else, but it was karma all the same. The demons had claw-like nails and blood running down their chins, but even if they were human Musashi wouldn't have let them off easy.

She hated one-sided slaughter, after all.

It was almost disappointing how easily three of the four demons in the village fell. The fourth, a child, she supposed, was a bit harder. But not by much. It had attacked her from the side, aiming to enter her blind spot but she had easily predicted as such and turned to face it head-on. It had the number six printed in one of its eyes, but she barely took note of it before its head was cleaved clear off its neck.

It wasn't even as strong as Hozoin.

She had then searched the houses for survivors, and upon finding none, she had moved to bury the bodies before the smell of food made her stop. She prayed that the spirits of the house and village forgave her for eating the food of a deceased family before burying the bodies.

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