Finale (Part II)

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A/N: This is it people,

The Ending 👏🏾👏🏾

5 years Later

In the evening of a beautiful day, a forest surrounds a warrior, walking slowly in Jedi robes. The only thing that can be heard, are birds chirping, wind blowing and the crunching sound of the figures footsteps.

The hooded figure soon stops in their tracks, but makes no sudden moves after that. When suddenly, another figure sails towards them in the air from behind, with their double bladed green lightsaber behind their head.

*SWOOSH* the sound of a missed swipe fills the air, as the lone warrior ducks swiftly from the attack. The attacker then lands in front of them, lifts their hood.

"Almost had you there didn't I?" Mindy taunts with a smirk. The only notable difference in her appearance is a pixie cut. Which of course a certain someone was naming fun of for a bit.

The hooded figure replies with nothing, causing Mindy to get slightly irritated and lunges again.

With multiple spin maneuvers and strikes with her lightsaber, she hits nothing but air as the hooded figure does nothing but invade.

"COME ON!" Mindy screams as she continues to strike again and again. Causing her to miss again and again. Seeing as the hooded figure had enough, when he sees the lightsaber come close to the side of his head, he sticks his finger up.

Causing the saber to freeze up in its path, shocking Mindy to the core as she struggles to move her lightsaber in any direction.

The figure smirks before pushing their finger away, causing the saber, along with Mindy, to fly back a few feet. The master then calls a thick training stick to their hand and hits Mindy in her back.

"AAH!" She yells out, more in annoyance than pain. She then takes a huge baseball swing towards her opponent, they lean back from the swing and hit her exposed arm.

"Sloppy." The hooded figure says,

This time, the hooded figure takes to the offense, he hits her hand holding the lightsaber, causing her to bring her defense down, he then leaps up and does a straight kick, not too hard, to her forehead. Causing her to fall on her back, but quickly get up and roll out the way of a downward strike.

She gets up and slightly angered, throws out a sloppy punch, in which is dodged easily and paid for with a solid hit in the stomach with the opponents weapon as they end up behind her and sweep her legs from under her.

The hooded figure then turns and activates their saber down towards the grunting Mindy. She freezes up in shock as the blade is a few inches away from burning her forehead off.

Not determined to lose, she strikes the lightsaber away from her face, and swiftly gets on her feet.
She spins her weapon around her, but this doesn't deter the opponent as they effortless lunge forward and disarm the weapon out of Mindy's hands.

They land a swift kick to her chest and while she's falling, they uses the force to effortless lift a tree from the roots and raise it above Mindy.

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