An Old Enemy

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The Emperor smiles as he looks at the 3 supposedly Jedi, daring to stand against him.

"To think.... my former apprentice." He says while looking at Ben, "and the traitor" he adds as he then looks at Y/N, "would come to my granddaughters aid."

Y/N grimaces slightly at the Emperor broken down state as he grips his weapon a little tighter.

"I can sense the raw power....the potential. The false grandeur of the Jedi, will help you none. POWER is all that is needed to rule, and the SITH WILL RULE ONCE AGAIN!" He roars out as he lifts both hands.

"Can't believe I was spewing that shit before" Ben says in his head

Suddenly, footsteps are heard from behind Palpatine. Causing the Jedi to step back slightly

Darth Sidious smiles again, feeling the slight fear from the 3 warriors,

"But fiirrsst...... every warrior... needs a test."

Y/N steps forward a bit, getting sick of listening to the Sith monologue.

"Listen here Grandpa! What the fuuu...." Y/N stops mid sentence as he sees a figure approach them from behind Palpatine

Holy shit

The figure come in view and it reveals to be Snoke. All dressed in black robes and bright sith yellow eyes.

"Now whether you pass or not... is yet to be seen." Palpatine finishes as the machine he is hooked up to pulls him away

The Jedi continue to step back as Snoke walks up to the 3 Jedi.

Snoke then pulls out a lightsaber and ignites a red blade.

"Snoke is uglier then I thought" Y/N comments to himself

Rey then puts on a determined look and is the first to dash towards Snoke. Immediately clashing with the Supreme Leader.

"REY!" Ben and Y/N scream out as they also dash towards him, but before they get close enough, several Sith Eternals come running towards them from the sides.

"No,no,no! Not fucking minions!" Y/N screams out in rage as he and Solo turn their attention towards them.

Snoke smiles evilly down at Rey as she looks up at him in rage while in the middle of the lightsaber clash. Snoke with one hand on his hilt, pushing Rey away. Rey growls in anger as she dashes at him again, she dishes out three rapid strikes at the Supreme Leader, who with little effort, parries each strike before backhanding Rey away a few feet.

She quickly recovers and they end up in another clash.

"I saw Ben kill you!"

Snoke laughs as he looks at Rey in amusement,
"Young fool, Death can not hold a TRUE SITH!" He yells out as he lifts one hand and fires lightning into Rey's chest, causing her to fly back several feet.

Snoke then looks around and sees Y/N and Ben hammering through the Eternals with ease. He then dashes towards a occupied Y/N.

Ben slashes through 2 enemies with a lightning embedded lightsaber. He then uses force pull and cuts another one in half. He then looks to his right and sees Snoke going towards his cousin. Ben, with quick thinking, uses a quick fire of force lightning at his former master.

As Snoke gets closer, he is suddenly pushed off his feet as he feels lightning hit him in his side. He looks towards Ben in anger as Y/N quickly glances at Ben in thanks before glaring at Snoke.

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