This Never Gets Old

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Rey turns around as she looks down at Y/N worryingly,

"Are you okay?"

"Besides belly flopping onto the ground.... and a rock smacking me on the head.... peachy over here" He says while wincing on the ground

"Come on" Rey says as she helps him up

Leia turns around to face them,

"Clumsy as ever Y/N" she says with a smile

Y/N simply rolls his eyes while rubbing his head,

Gee thanks "mom"

"Be patient you two" she continues to say

"I'm starting to think it's impossible" Rey says as her and Y/N walk up to Leia, "To hear the voices of the Jedi who came before"

"Ooohh... so that's why we were doing that.., because I totally forg-" Y/N then stops when he sees the glares from both ladies

"Sorry" he says quietly

"Anyway... nothing's impossible" Leia tells Rey

"Nothing's impossible" Rey responds back

Leia then looks to Y/N as he still rubs his head

"Ugh... yeah you're right. Nothings impossible"

Rey then looks back at Leia, "we'll do the training course"

Leia then holds Rey and Y/N lightsaber out in front of them

"Yes! Finally" Y/N says in relief as they both grab their lightsabers before heading off

They both run throughout the forest, lightsabers ignited, side by side.

"So.." Y/N starts off while running with Rey, "how's it been going so far Love" he says with a smirk

Rey rolls her eyes with a smile, "we are together all the time, I think you'd know how I am ALL the time"


They reach a tight-rope and see two helmets with blaster shields

"I'll go first" Rey says as she puts the helmet on with the blast shield down.

Y/N turns around and see their probe droid approaches.

"You got this Rey."

Rey walks along the rope to the other side while deflecting the bolts fired from the droid. She manages to block and dodge all the bolts.

She eventually reaches the other side and drops the helmet. She waits on the other side for Y/N

"You can do it Y/N!" She yells from the other side

You're damn right I ca-

The droid immediately fires at Y/N, pulling him back to full attention

"Oh yeah, sorry" he says as he puts his helmet on and walks along the rope, also effectively blocking the hits from the droid

He reaches the other side and takes off his helmet.

"Ah, that wasn't so bad"

"Come on, we still got more to do"

They run along the forest some more while dodging the bolts fired from the two droids. Rey climbs up a tree and slices off a piece of a red ribbon before going back where they came from.

"Oh shit, wait up!" Y/N says as he takes off running behind Rey

They both instead of walking along the rope, they jump over the huge space. Rey jumps and lands with a roll, Y/N however clears the jump, but lands heavy on his legs. Which he knows will travel to his knees.

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