Just a Nip

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"How did you do it?" I begged, sitting down across from her. "How did you go two years away from him?"

She smiled softly, picked up her black cloth book mark and shut her book softly; pushing it to the side. She balanced her chin in her hands, leaning on her elbows in the table. "Weren't you with your father? What happened?"

"The Livonian are here. At least their Alpha is. They've been getting attacked and they need help."

"The ones who killed your mum?" Suzy set a hand on my wrist in condolences.

"The man who killed my mother is dead and his son has taken over as Alpha." I muttered.

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, "and they're here because they cannot handle themselves?"

"His pack is getting taken out little by little. He doesn't want to put his pride before his people's lives..." I clicked my fingers on the table, "his mother was also an alpha."

Suzy closed her eyes and nodded at me. "Both of your parents were always so worried you'd never find a true mate. Most people don't these days." She breathed a sigh. "It was a very trying time in my life. I didn't even know Moose. It was our first time even seeing each other and he wanted to mark me as his. I was scared and I fled to the sister territory." She leaned back, her eyes still closed. "I stayed there for two years. And those two years were torched for both of us. He tried to come and find me, but the territory was very protective over females rights to refuse a mate if they so choose to." She opened her eyes and looked at me. "It took all of my youth. All of my energy. I would like to say that if I would have just given in... maybe I wouldn't be so tired now." She smiled warmly. "But I think I'm just getting old." He pulled the straps of her top down off her right shoulder, the scar of bite marks were deep purple. "The nite didn't hurt, I don't want you to think it was painful. Nothing is more painful than staying away from the person you're destined to be with. This bite was pure bliss... thankfully Moose was more than happy to take things slow. Get to know each other. He was very forgiving and told me he understood why I ran..." she smiled fondly and let out a sigh. "I am very lucky, and a bit regretful that I wasted two years that I could have had with him."

"What does that say about me though?" My voice was a whisper. "Taking a mate in the same blood line of those who killed my mother?"

She shrugged at me. "It's not like you really have a choice." She pointed out. "You could just, you know, date other guys? See how that works out for you."

I grimaced. "Killian touched my arm and it felt like a million needles stuck into my arm."

She nodded, "Your blood, your body and your mind has chosen a mate. That suits you." She shrugged, smiling faintly, "your body doesn't want anyone else touching you. But wait until he touches you..." she fanned herself for a second for theatrics, "the first time Moose caressed my arm, man, you can't fake that type of feeling."

I laughed quietly, "alright, gross, thanks... I guess I'll go check in... with..."

"Give yourself space." Suzy said quietly as she stood up and grabbed two cups from the cupboard. "You need to put yourself first. You're always so busy, doing everything for everyone else. You've basically raised all the kids here! You're twenty one, you should put yourself first for five minutes." She poured tea into the two cups and sat down again, pushing one of the cups to me.

"Thank you, Suzy..." I said, sipping the tea. "It's really hard to navigate any of this without mom. And I really appreciate you being such a big help."

She smiled down at her tea, "for what its worth, your mother would love the woman you've become."

"Thank you." I whispered, closing my eyes and taking another long drink of the piping hot tea. The burning on my tongue distracted me for a minute from the pain that still ripples through my body.

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