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My favorite color is blue

a light shade of blue

that has no other color within it

just blue

and everyone tells me

that it is teal.

I do not see a teal

I do not see green within this color

I do not see a difference between it and blue

there is no difference.

There are colors,

they say,

that blend together

and are mixtures of more than one.

They are like people,

I'm told,

and they contain multitudes.

I have seen multiple sides to a person

and I understand how that works

I can love someone who hurts me

and understand

that they can love me

even though they hate me.

But I cannot understand

how blue and green

two different colors

two very different colors

can mix together

and not stay one or the other.


it is like how

you can wash a dish

over and over

over and over

over and over

and still be beaten

because they are dirty.


I am not so good

at understanding mixtures,

but perhaps it could be true

that others

are too good at them.

Colors I Cannot SeeWhere stories live. Discover now