Invent Food - Roman Buerki

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"So... This, this here is one of the greatest and most famous Swiss food ever invented," Roman explained with a bowl of muesli in his hands that he placed in front of her. Her brows knitted, the smile on her face a little forced.

"Muesli?" She asked with a small cackle, moving her eyes between the bowl and him.

"Yes!" He nodded vehemently. "Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner invented –"

"Roman, you can't invent food." She giggled with a small shake of her head.

"Right, well, it's still Swiss and this, this is just the first dish," he said, sitting down across her.

"All right, thank you." She laughed, digging into the muesli and making appreciative noises. It was a nice muesli, there was no arguing about that. Roman cut ridiculous amount of fruit and chocolate into it, as well as some hazelnut.

"You're welcome." He nodded, watching her eating.

"Won't you have some?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Ahm, no, I have other things to do," he said, getting up and disappearing into the kitchen once again.

This was certainly not how she'd imagined their romantic date night with him cooking traditional Swiss food. She'd told him that maybe it would be too much for him, that he shouldn't bother but Roman was confident that he'd be able to do this and there was no changing his mind.

Unfortunately, this resulted in him constantly disappearing into the kitchen. She's even heard some concerning noises from him but everytime she asked if everything was fine, the reply was yes.

She was about to put another spoon of muesli into her mouth when she heard a loud, crashing noise, followed by cursing just as loud.

She stood from the table, not even bothering to ask this time if he was all right. She walked into the kitchen and couldn't help but giggle by the sight that welcomed her.

Roman's perfect outfit was ruined by some white cream dripping down his black shirt and his pants as well, making her laugh even harder. The kitchen was a complete mess, covered in so many type of ingredients, she could have had a full on five dishes meal made out of it.

"You weren't supposed to come in here," he growled, his face turning all red as he dropped a kitchen towel.

"Babe, what happened?" She asked with a small laugh.

"I don't know... everything turned out shit and I just wanted to give you a perfect evening because I know how hard you work and it's been a hectic couple of weeks and I wanted to share something from my culture with you but this is a catastrophe," he stated, shaking his head, disappointed.

"Are you going to clean up?" This was the most important question for her in that moment. He was right, she was exhausted. It's been a good few hectic weeks at work and it was a wonderful idea to do this whole candlelit dinner date thing but not if she had to clean up the mess after, especially that in the end she didn't even get fed.

"Of course!" He exclaimed with a completely burnt pan in his hand. "I will clean up, I will clean up right now!

"Oh, no, not right now." She chuckled, walked up to him, took the pan from him, took his hand and started pulling him after her. "Now, we are going to have that relaxing evening, eat some food that isn't going to kill us –" she said, her eyes falling on the dirty dishes piled up in the sink, most of them completely burnt, likely to the point of no return "–and just be lazy on the couch. You can give me a massage later on –"

"A massage?" His eyes lit up and she laughed out.

"Not a filthy one," she stated firmly before he could get any funny ideas.

"No, no, of course not, that didn't even occur to me," he agreed pulling her down to the couch with him. "Would you like to order something?"

"Yes, something simple and greasy and full of fat. I mean, your muesli was nice but I need more calories than just a couple of pieces of apple."

"There was also strawberry and kiwi in there!" He complained, outraged that she questioned the only thing he managed to get right for the dinner.

"The milk was off a little bit," she mentioned with a small shrug and watched him paling.

"Why did you eat it then?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Because I was hungry and it really wasn't that off, just a bit." She shrugged. "Now I want pizza though with gyros meat and five cheese."

"You really are hungry." He laughed out, using the app for the order. "I'm sorry I mess up dinner."

"I get a pizza and a massage out of it, I won't complain." She grinned, tilting her head backwards and he patted a kiss on the lips.

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