4 - Marked

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Chapter 4

Morgana forced herself to walk to do her duty. She felt uncomfortable to face Riddle alone, after for days the school gossiped about their duel and claimed it was his first defeat.

The Slytherin prefect greeted her politely, catching her by surprise.

"Are you worried for the long essay for History of Magic for tomorrow?".

Morgana eyed him which diffidence at his clear attempt of making conversation when usually they just kept distance.

"No, I already finished it last week" she said quickly.

"Very well" he smirked, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms to comfortably stare at her.

The intensity of the way he was staring at her started to embarrass her.

"Seeing something nice?" she tried to joke, hiding her hands into her pockets in the least attractive way.
Riddle nodded, his grin widening "I wonder how in these years we didn't manage to become friends. Being rivals is nonsense".

She raised a questioning look at her "Is it because now you need me to hide some other secrets of yours?".

"That's possible" he exhaled a long sighed, murmuring "Why can't I have a friend who's at least half as skilled as you are?".

Morgana bit her lip, trying not to feel flattered by his indirect compliment.

"Maybe you're friendless?" she tempted a smile to make him understand that she didn't mean to be offensive.

He moved his shoulders in a shrug "I have my friends. And I care for them, I try to teach them, but the results don't satisfy me".

Morgana's mind pictured his Slytherin mates that he called friends. They looked more like servants than friends. She recalled Malfoy's frightened expression when she caught him and then they were caught by Riddle.

Morgana would never be that frightened of any of her friends.

"Why do you treat your so called friends like they are your student and you their teacher?" she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Because I want them to become someone important" he said simply "But you will most likely achieve that. You are brilliant. I wonder how powerful we could become if we become allies".

The girl stiffened at his offer "You have your gang. There's no room for me".

Tom laughed softly "About gangs, Slughorn wants to invite you to his next party".

His grin widened at her shocked face.
"Oh, shit, no! Please, tell me your kidding".

Tom shook his head with amusement "I hate parties as much as you do. But that's a good start, your free time sacrificed for a greater goal, if someday you plan to become Minister of Magic".

Morgana stared at his allusive look feeling mesmerized. He was touching the right strings to haunt her mind and tease her ambition.

She needed to keep in mind how manipulative he could be.

"I don't want to steal that role from you. You would fit as a minister more than me".

"I don't want to become a minister" he said simply "But I would gladly help you to get that role, if you will help me".

"Help you with what?".

"I'll think of something" he said dismissively "Come, there's something I want to show you".

No time to love (A Tom Riddle gothic story)Where stories live. Discover now