1 - Prefect

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Chapter 1

The silver badge shined in her palm.
Morgana Rowle stared at the little jewel in disbelief and with devotion.
For four years she worked hard to deserve that role and finally she was a Prefect.
And nobody could ever take away that title from her.

"Why don't you wear it, Ana? You look like someone expecting that badge to transform...or vanish".

Morgana raised her eyes to cross the mocking blue eyes of the boy sitting in front of her.

She closed her fist around the badge and placed it into her pocket while that train was still running though English fields.

"I have a whole year ahead to wear it. I can wait a little longer" she replied with a smirk.

"You're lying. You've been dreaming of wearing it since I know you" the other girl in the compartment intervened.

"Thanks, Grace" Morgana snapped, then shooting a playful look at her friend.

The door of their compartment opened and the students straightened their backs as professor Slughorn's face popped in. His eyes greeted them, then rested on Morgana's anxious eyes.

"Miss Rowle, we are waiting for you in the prefect carriage".

Blushing, Morgana grabbed her uniform and stood up to follow the teacher.

The letter said that the Head Boy and Girl would give instructions to the prefects, but she didn't understand when they had to meet.

Her embarrassment grew when she saw that in the carriage all the other prefects were already gathered and already wearing their school uniform. So she was the only one who was missing.

Morgana grabbed her badge tighter, wishing that her mistake wouldn't already cost her her craved role.

"So finally we are all here" Slughorn said happily "We can start".

Morgana sat clumsily next to Trevor Greengrass, the Ravenclaw prefect boy, and listened carefully to the speech from the Head Boy and Girl.

Eventually her mind moved adrift from their words and she glanced at the other prefects around her.

Her eyes crossed a pair of mocking dark eyes, that froze her blood in her veins.
The new Slytherin prefect boy was Tom Riddle. Face of an angel, but soul of a demon.

Morgana wouldn't choose someone like him for such a big role, but she had expected it, since that Slytherin boy was the best actor in the school and all the professors and the staff loved him.

The model student.

The girl focused again on the Head students while stifly wearing her uniform and her badge.

Those mocking eyes were still haunting her mind.

She decided to take that as a challenge.

She promised to herself not to throw herself in such an awkward situation again.

She wanted to become the perfect prefect.

No time to love (A Tom Riddle gothic story)Where stories live. Discover now