13 - Auror

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Chapter 13

We were a pair
But I saw you there
Too much to bear
You were my life
But life is far away from fair

I let it burn
You're no longer my concern
Faces from my past return
Another lesson yet to learn

A storm was blowing outside.
Morgana had been aware of it for the whole day as she worked in her office.

It's been few years that she left her homeland, to start a brand new life in a foreign place.
New York couldn't be dear to her like Diagon Alley was.
Yet she couldn't go back home.

A lighting shook the tall skyscraper, blinding her for a moment.
Night had finally fallen on that long day of summer, yet she didn't want to go to her lonely flat. When falling asleep, she hated dreaming and being forced back into her dark past.

Nervously she checked the oversea news once more, looking for any hint of danger.
But the name she feared the most never appeared on them.
Was he dead? Did he give up on his insane plans?
She had no idea.
Since she fled from England, she knew nothing about him anymore.
All she could do was keeping hunting dark wizards, hoping that she would never bump into the worst of them.

An irritating loud laugh startled her.
She glared at the noisy Auror, who was introducing a visitor into their offices, then focused again on her papers.
She couldn't lose her temper. She couldn't afford to lose that precious job.

"She is Morgana" the Auror was saying, impolitely pointing at her "She's single so she is used to overwork".

Morgana mentally cursed her mate.
She hated gossip. She hated how people tried to criticize and guide her life.
Most of her fellow Aurors were building their own families. They used to talk about them and show pictures.
While Morgana had nothing to bring but her solitude.
And she was fine that way. Hiding under a mask of heavy make up and fashion clothes.

"You're wasting your time, trust me" the Auror said.

Morgana stiffened, thinking she was talking to her, then she realized it was addressed to the young visitor.
Morgana was tempted to set on fire the papers in front of her.
Maybe she could roast also the imprudent visitor if he dared to annoy her.

"Hi" he said few moments later, stopping next to her.
She turned to look at him with a stern face.
He seemed friendly and had a strong British accent.
It made her miss her home.

"I was wondering if I can help you? My boss is busy at a meeting and I want to do something useful while waiting" he said nervously under her inspecting staring.

"Sure. You can sort these papers in alphabetical order" she pointed at the papers, getting a scared face from him, that quickly disappeared under his friendly smile.

"Great. I'm Barty, by the way".

She eyed with suspicion the hand he offered her.
But how dangerous could a cute young man be to her? To an Auror?
She grabbed it "Morgana".

"You're British, aren't you? Your accent betrays you".

She smiled faintly "Yes, my accent betrayed me".
His hand was still holding hers, so she had to snatch it back.

"Sorry" he said with an apologetic smile "So, paperwork. I'm used to it. That's my main job in my boss's office".

"Are you a trainee?".

"Yes, in the Department of Law. Our jobs are complementary. I admit that these reports are more interesting than those I have to check in my place. Do you spend your nights reading them?".

No time to love (A Tom Riddle gothic story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang