Many Questions, Few Answers

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Katsuki stood looking in shock at the boy in front of him, 'He looks just like Yamikumo except with green hair and eyes...' The more he looked at the boy the more he could feel his memory tugging at him, until one came to mind.

It was odd, the memory had to have been when he was around two years old. He remembered the boy, he was friends with him apparently, even then in his memory he showed no emotion. Auntie Inko was talking to his hag.

"He's not normal Mitsuki, he doesn't show any sort of emotion no matter what happens... I'm worried, what if he's a psychopath? And not to mention that Hisashi wants to get rid of him..." Inko said worriedly.

Mitsuki looked at her friend, "Inko, I-I don't know what's wrong with him... Maybe the emotion thing is due to his quirk? Your side of the family has a lot of empaths right? Maybe it's like the opposite form of that?" She mused.

Inko sighed, "Maybe... Hisashi still wants to get rid of him though I-I don't- I want him to be able to have a normal childhood and he can't do that as an orphan..."

The memory was cut off from there... Katsuki was going to talk to his mother about this and ask her who the green haired boy was.


Katsuki made his way to his house, the students technically weren't supposed to leave the dorms until they'd been there a week, but Katsuki knew this was more important. Ever since he saw the green haired boy he couldn't get him out of his head. Who was he? Why does he look like Mikumo? Why was he in Katsuki's memories from that long ago? What happened to him and where did he go? These questions kept swirling around in Katsuki's head, until he unconsciously made it home.

He unlocked the door and went inside, "MOM! DAD! I need to talk to you!" He yelled into the house, the only time he uses those titles is when he needs to talk about something serious.

He made his way into the living room, where a wide-eyed Mitsuku and Masaru sat along with the entire Midoriya family. He looked at them, lingering longer on Inko and Mikumo. 'God the green haired kid really does look like Mikumo, but with Aunties hair and eyes...'

"Ok so, at school we have this kid and well..." Katsuki wasn't sure how to say this he wanted to talk to his parents about it first, but he can't wait anymore or the unanswered questions will drive him crazy, "He looks exactly like Mikumo, except he has Aunties hair and eyes."

Inko tensed, Hizashi let out a small growl, and Mikumo just looked confused.

"Who is he? I KNOW you all, except Mikumo, know who he is! He was in my memories from when I was two! So who is he?" Katsuki asked.

Inko looked at Hisashi. He sent her a glare, but she decided to tell instead. "His name is Izuku, He's mine and Hisashi's first child." Inko admitted.

"WHAT?" Mikumo yelled, he couldn't believe it... he always wanted a sibling, but to find out that he had one and they just didn't tell him...

"That freak is NOT my child! He's an abomination, a reject, an emotionless doll in the most literal sense of the word a Deku!" Hisashi ranted. His rant ended when Mitsuki slapped him.

"Shut your damn mouth! That kid never did anything wrong! Yes, he lacked emotions, but that didn't mean shit! It could have been due to his quirk!" Mitsuki screeched.

Katsuki felt like he was going to lose it any second and blast Hisashi. "Auntie why did you send Izuku to an orphanage?" Izuku... He liked how that sounded...

Inko looked on the verge of tears, "I didn't want to, but... He just wasn't normal. He was completely emotionless and it honestly scared me." Inko admitted.

By this point Mitsuki had dragged Hisashi to the back yard and they were in an all out fist fight, not too unusual for them, but this time it looked brutal.

"Can I meet him?" Mikumo asked quietly, "Izuku, I-I want to meet him. Please?" Begged the purple haired eleven year old.

"I-I would also like to see Izuku a-again... " Inko said, by this point she was fully crying.

Katsuki sighed, "You both WILL see him eventually just... let me get to know him first so you know what to expect."

They talked for a few more minutes before Katsuki left to go back to the dorms.


Authors note: Yes, I know Katsuki was OOC in this chapter, but I did that because he's in some kind of shock. He will be back to his angry pomeranian self very soon.

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