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Izuku looked out the window of the moving truck and saw the gates of UA, if he could feel it he would be in awe, but as it was the failure numb empty feeling filled his chest.

"You don't seem excited to be here." The driver observed.

Izuku glanced at him, "It's not that..." Izuku said in his familiar monotone.

The driver waited for him to elaborate, but Izuku made no effort to. The driver let it go as they arrived at the 1-A dorms, Heights Alliance.

Izuku got out of the moving truck and went to the back, he grabbed 3 boxes stacked on top of each other: one with his clothes, one with drawing supplies, and the 'Emotion Box'. The driver grabbed the other two boxes; One had his bedding, the other had more clothes.

He walked into the dorm and looked at what floor his room was, he saw he was on the fourth floor between two guys named Kirishima and Shoji. Across from him on that floor were three guys named Todoroki, Tokoyami, and Mineta.

"My room is on the fourth floor." Izuku said to the driver still carrying his boxes, "You know you don't have to carry those right?" Izuku continued the feeling of guilt filling his chest.

The driver shook his head, "It's no problem kid, let's just get your stuff to your new room." The driver said, walking towards the elevator.


It's been about three hours and Izuku had finally finished unpacking. It was around 4:47pm so he decided to go down to the common room. He stopped at his door as he saw the 'Emotion Box' next to it. He grabbed it and set it next to his door on the outside with a note above it that says, 'Write any emotions you don't want on a piece of paper and put it in the box. - Izuku'

After finishing with the 'Emotion Box' he went to the elevator and made his way to the common area. Immediately he heard people talking, he started to feel familiar anxiety and shut it down, walking into the room.

As he entered a navy haired boy noticed him, "Oh! It's you!" he shouted coming over to Izuku, "You were the one who saved all those people in the exam! I must commend you! You knew the secret to the exam and over all were the superior examine!" He said, doing some sort of arm chopping motion.

Izuku started to feel his face heat in embarrassment and immediately shut that down, "I didn't know anything more about the exam than you did. All I did was decide to help people who needed it." Izuku answered in his usual monotone, face unsettlingly blank.

He noticed everyone looking at him. A boy with purple balls for hair looked at him, "What's your problem? Are you emotionally constipated or something?" He asked in a rather rude way. He could see almost everyone else thinking something similar, except probably nicer.

Izuku glanced at him and shrugged, "I guess you could call it that." He answered. Just as he said that he shuttered, the feeling of a new emotion felt him. But this was different, it felt warm and nice.

The confusion must have shown on his face, some of the others were asking him what was wrong. He turned them out focusing on the feeling, its weak but that is to be expected it's a new emotion the more people put that emotion into the box the better he can feel it.

He was so focused on the feeling he didn't notice a girl with brown hair come up to him until he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?" she asked Izuku, snapping him out of his own mind.

Izuku looked at her, his other classmates seemed to be worried. What kind of expression was he making? "Um, Yes. I'm fine." Izuku said his monotone slightly faded which confused him even more.

Izuku decided to go back to his room to try and figure out what this emotion was. It was odd and overwhelming. This new feeling was so small yet so warm and comforting and good. Izuku started to cry without realizing it, tears silently falling down his face.

As Izuku got into his room he wiped his eye finally realizing he was crying, still focusing on the foreign feeling filling him. 'Happiness? Is that what this is?' He thought, 'It...It feels so good is it supposed to feel like this?'

Suddenly there was a knock on his door pulling him out of his musings. As he opened the door he saw a scruffy looking man that he recognized as his home room teacher from the picture down stairs. Aizawa, his brain supplied.

Aizawa stood in front of Izuku, "I read your file and due to you being an orphan UA had to take custody of you. I went to your orphanage to see if there was anything I needed to know that wasn't in your file, a woman told me out your situation with not being able to feel emotions on your own. She explained the 'Emotion Box' to me and said you would probably bring it with you." He said, wiping a tear off of Izuku's face, "I put happiness into the box. I know that you are probably overwhelmed right now due to the difference in how it feels compared to the other emotions you've experienced. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need help understanding a new emotion I will be here to help you ok?"

Izuku nodded, "I'm just tired right now... Usually when I get a new emotion I sleep to let it process.." Izuku explained.

"Then do that. I'll tell the other kids not to bother you, and I won't tell them about you not being able to feel on your own. That's up to you if or when you tell them." Aizawa said, walking back to the elevator.

Izuku shut his door and layed down on his bed, almost immediately falling asleep.

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