Chapter 27

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Emma couldn't breathe. She hadn't truly thought about the emotional pain from leaving behind her child since the day she had given him up. The last time she had laid her eyes upon him, he was being swept up by the miller, an old woman, with red hair. She had left him there, and of all the places he could've ended up, he ended up with her family's greatest enemy, The Evil Queen. Who she also just talked out of doing something that she had always wanted to do.

Emma had been filled with worry for years. Over Bae, her child, her parents, and herself. Now, the relief of knowing every truth coursed through her, and her body didn't know how else to bear it. She doubled over on the slick marble floors of her parents' chamber as her shoulders rocked with her uncontrollable tears. She didn't know how to feel. There were so many things that could have gone wrong today that somehow didn't. Emma had never realized her own strengths.

"How is he?" Was all Emma could shake out.

"He's great Emma, really great." Regina smiles reaching out and squeezing Emma's shoulder."All I have is Henry and I'm not about to lose him because he is everything. From you, I have learned that's what true love is. It's sacrifice. It's giving up everything for the person you love. I just lost sight of that, because not having someone, that's the worst curse imaginable. I was lucky to find my son, he taught me how to love again. Even if it wasn't the love I had expected, I just needed the reminder."

Emma smiled in return before standing on her feet, pulling Regina with her.

"What do you say? Do you want to let go of the past and be a part of this family?" Emma asked reaching out her hand in a signal of an alliance.

"I would like nothing more." Regina grinned reaching out and taking Emma's hand.


It had been 3 bloody hours and Killian Jones was still stuck with the baby. He was starting to worry about Emma and even her father but also, he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold this child because his arms were starting to fall asleep, however, he was too scared to put him down in fear that he would wake up again. Although, there was something soothing about watching the infant boy sleep. It was something that he didn't mind. Maybe babysitting wasn't the worst.

"Captain." Smee finally said from behind him. "Look." He continued pointing to the docks where there stood a familiar blonde. Behind her, her parents.

"Emma." Killian smiled, striding off the Jolly Roger and towards his wife. He felt so relieved seeing her, alive and unharmed. Killian wasn't sure how well he would handle something happening to her. She ran up to him and hugged him as tightly as she could with her baby brother in his arms between them. "I knew you could do it, Emma. I've yet to see you fail." At that statement, Emma kissed him and he had never felt more content. This woman had changed him and now, there is nothing he wanted to change. Their future was entirely theirs.

When she pulled away she looked down to the baby in his arms and swept him up cooing and rubbing her fingers gently along his smooth untouched face. Emma turned away from Killian and took her newborn brother over to her parents.

At the sight of her son, Snow broke down into tears. For a moment she thought that she was never going to get the chance to meet him but now, they had many more days together.

Emma stood silently as Killian walked over and wrapped his arm around her. They both stood admiring the precious sight. There was one thing though that had yet to be discussed.

"What's his name?" Emma asked.

"Leo. After my father." Her mother said grinning from ear to ear. David placed a kiss on the back of her head.

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