Choosing a Last Name

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        "But Clary, I want that last name!" Simon practically whined, pushing his glasses upwards on his nose. Alec and Jace had went for some Parabatai bonding time which meant only one thing; demon-hunting, leaving Simon, Isabelle, and Clary alone in the institute.

      "Simon, there are no and never will be a nephilim with the last name; Cockchild." Izzy said with a roll of her eyes from her horizontal position on the overstuffed red armchair in the institute's library.  Clary nodded frantically in agreement, wondering why Simon would evem want to have that last name. Although it disturbed both shadowhunters greatly, it relieved them in a way of knowing that he was still the old Simon they loved.  Sometimes it worried them that he would be different, especially for Isabelle since she had fallen hard for this extraordinary mundane boy.

        "You two are ridiculous." SImon exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. "I recommend Nightraven, denied. Stormwalker, denied. Cockchild, denied. By the angel what do you want me to be? Simon Crossrose? Simon Mapletree?"

        Clary and Isabelle couldn't hold in their fits of laughter at the name, "Mapletree",  causing Simon to smile wide. It was nice seeing them loosen up and not look at him worried or so hopeful all the time, the memories were so slowly coming back as disturbing as some were. Why he decided to embarrass himself infront of Iz by saying, "Lord Montgomery is on the prowl", is something he thinks his  vampire self never even knew. After their fits of laughter had finished he was rewarded with Clary saying to Isabelle, not himself of course,

         "Crossrose isn't too bad of a name for him."  Isabelle nodded thoughtfully, her lips quirked downwards in a frown though.

        "It isn't but I just don't think it suits him very well." She said as she stared at Simon, analyzing him with her eyes causing him to shift uncomfortably under her scrutinizing gaze. He wondered on what the dark-haired girl was thinking until she finally spoke again after a few long moments,

        "He has the qualities of a Fairchild. He's hard-working, stubborn by all means, and the name is soon to be extinct with Clary madly in love with Jace." She says non-chalantly, gently tapping her pointing finger against her chin as she loses herself in thought. Simon found it rather interesting thaty Izzy could never lose herself in a book but when it came to her thoughts, she could be lost within seconds. Clary's jaw dropped at the assumption that she'd marry Jace and take the Herondale and tried to protest but Isabelle waved her off, not even giving her a glance.

        "Simon Fairchild. Simon Fairchild has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" She questioned softly, aquirking a perfect dark eyebrow,


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