Damsel on the Run

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    Simon was anxious for tonight, he knew Isabelle and Clary were still going to come to his concert tonight even though he's learning about all the magic and the world that lived in his own. Bouncing on his heels, he tuned his guitar after making sure the mic worked.

     Usually he was just back up vocals but tonight was a special occasion, he had made a song about the girl in his dreams, now knowing who it is. Isabelle Lightwood, she was incredibly distant from her but he was trying to be the guy he used to know and he thought that she might, just might let him try.

    Eric signaled to him that they needed to start. Kirk was playing piano for this song, making Simon even more nervous since he didn't even know if he could play piano.

    Walking up to the microphone , Simon cleared his throat as his eyes searched the room. He grinned when he caught Clary's eye in the front and knew Isabelle was here somewhere.

    "Alright, uh, we're The Mortal Instruments and we're gonna play for you." His voice did not just slightly squeak at the end.       

  "Anyways, this song is called 'Damsel on the Run." He said before they started playing.
"The girl with the dark hair,
She had the red lips,
Its like shes a dream,
And im just a fading memory,
I see her all the time,
Cant seem to get her out of my head,
Cant seem to get her out of my head,
The girl was loved,
But she lost her knight,
In the dreary night,"

   His eyes searched the room once again before he caught the Damsel's eyes causing him to maintain eye contact with her.
"If only she could be saved again,
She wasn't a damn damsel in distress,
She was a damsel on the run,
Chasing the demons as they come,
She knew of love,
She knew not to let in,
She saw things that no mortal should,
But shes a damsel on the run,
Not a damn damsel in distress."

  Clary had tears in her eyes, some had fallen, but she clapped and smiled for Simon. In those few moments when he broke the eye contact, the damsel had run once again. Afraid to get close. 

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