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Change of Heart

          MANUEL HAD DROVE them all to school again the next morning, no one saying a single word until both Izzy and Diego got out the car as Arlo said goodbye them.

As Manuel pulled up to the school, Arlo already had a hand on the door, ready to climb out, but he placed a hand on her arm before she could. "Arlo, I'm sorry about last night."

"Yeah," Arlo swallowed. "Me too. But I'm not going to the event tonight."

"That's fine." Manuel said and Arlo could see the reluctance in his eyes as he said it. Her mother must have spoken to him.

Arlo pressed her lips together. "I'll see you later."

She didn't wait for a reply before she got out and ran into the school to meet up with Nadia. The girl had agreed on helping her with her math. Arlo walked into the library to see Nadia already sat down at a table. The girl then looked up at Arlo and waved at her with a smile.

Arlo sat down in front of her. "Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good." Nadia nodded. "And you?"

"My parents are frustrating, but I'm good." Arlo huffed.

Nadia laughed. "I know the feeling."

The two got started, spending nearly an hour before their first class, Nadia explaining things clearly that Arlo managed to understand. They were nearly finished when Ander walked past the library and grinned at Arlo through the window and she smiled back at him.

"Can I ask you a question?" Nadia wondered.

"Yeah, of course." Arlo smiled.

"You told me you grew up with too much freedom and you don't want your siblings doing the same and that's why you chase them around. What exactly happened that made you realise that?"

Arlo took a deep breath. "It was 4 years ago. My parents were off travelling and I had everyone at my house. We got bored so we played truth or dare. Izzy wanted to play, but I wouldn't let her. So she copied one of the dates I did and she ended up in hospital because of it."

"Oh." Nadia breathed out. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. She recovered and she's okay now. No long term serious issues."

"That's good to hear. And by the way, you are a really smart person, you know?"

Arlo laughed. "Thanks, Nadia."

"I'm serious. You did all the problems correctly, apart from a few errors, but they weren't big enough to bring a grade down. What happened in that quiz?"

"Diego wasn't feeling well that day and I was worrying. Not something a 16 year old should be worrying about, huh?"

Nadia pressed her lips together. "You're a good sister."

"Thanks. Can I buy a coffee? It's the least I could do."

Nadia smiled. "Sure."

Once Arlo had bought them both a cup of coffee, Nadia went to talk to Samuel and Marina while Arlo went to her locker to grab a text book before her next class to see Ander by her locker on his phone.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Arlo mused.

"Ah, yes, my girlfriend. Have you seen her?"

"I think I saw her making out with some guy in the year below. Sorry."

"Good to see you too." Ander beamed as he hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"So how are things with–" Arlo looked over shoulder to make sure no one was listening. "–Omar."

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