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The New Kids

ARLO SAT DOWN in her seat, her headphones hugging her head nicely as her music blared through. The girl glanced up to see the rest of her class mates filing into the room and she subtly rolled her eyes before taking her book out.

It was no secret that Las Encinas was a school where rich people sent their kids and Arlo was one of them. She wasn't as filthy rich as her classmates, but she was rich enough to not be granted social annihilation. She never tried to hide the fact she came from a privileged family or show any signs of shame of it either. If anything, she was proud her parents had worked so hard to get where they were. She just wished they were around more enough for her to tell them.

As her classmates took their seats, they were all gushing about the club event that took place that weekend and she merely increased the volume of her music. She wasn't necessarily a fan of the party lifestyle everyone around her had adopted, but she didn't judge them for it. She shook her head and continued to complete some last touches to her homework that she didn't even notice the three new kids walk in.

A tapping sound on her headphones suddenly snapped her out of her thoughts and the girl looked to the left to see Lucrecia, the biggest bitch in her year, leaning towards the table with a smirk on her face.

Arlo took her headphones off, adjusting her hair. "What do you want, Lucrecia?"

"Why do you think I want anything?" The girl asked.

"Don't you always?" Arlo countered.

"Well, I'm the best in the class and you're...nearly there." Lu smiled, her voice lowering. "And with the new kids coming in, I just wanna make sure we're on the same page."

Arlo raised an eyebrow. "And that page is?"

"Make sure those poor and dirty kids don't outshine us."

"You forget I'm not as rich as you are."

Lu leaned forward, her smile stretching. "Rich enough." Her hand then moved a strand of Arlo's hair out of her face. "And a piece of advice, honey, your hair looks better tied up."

Arlo glared at the girl before moving her hand away from her face. "Leave me alone."

Lu was unfazed and continued to smile before she made her way to her own desk. Arlo rolled her eyes and moved her gaze back to her book that rested on the desk.

"What did that head case want?" A voice huffed and Arlo laughed.

"You do realise that's your brother's girlfriend, right?" She reminded as she shut her book and turned to her friend who was now sat next to her.

"Fuck buddy." Marina corrected.

Arlo nodded, raising her eyebrows. "Right. Is there even a difference in today's society?"

"Oh, yeah." Marina scoffed. "You're just too oblivious to see it."

"Whatever." Arlo chuckled.

"By the way, the new kids are here." The red head informed jerking her head to the side.

Arlo followed her gaze to see a boy with dark eyes with dark hair to match sitting timidly, rubbing his hands together who looked slightly familiar. She then glanced behind him to see another boy with the sides of his head shaved, man-spreading with a confident smirk on his face while he twisted his pen around his fingers. A girl in a hijab sat next to him, all her belongings placed neatly on the table in front of her as she stared at the front of the classroom, ready for the lesson to start.

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