Chapter 2: Deadly Happiness

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Okay... Just wanted asked who is expected it to be Dream... I honestly thought I am going to make it to be Outer, Lust or Fresh...

But when I read the story again... They don't seem to fit because...

They are not close enough to Ink like Dream and Blue... But oh well...

Chapter Start!

Dream looked up at Endemic's battle body at Ink. He can't help but feel guilty just by looking at Dream. One of his best friends are like this because of him, not mention his other best friend is hiding this secret from him. Both of his best friend had a relationship with his enemy, Dream being Error's husband and Blue being Error's best friend also, he knows he should be angry but he can't cause he knows the truth now, and he cannot forgive himself. Ink thought back the two decades ago Blue started to feel distant. He started getting more and more tired and bored, sometimes happy but only when thinking about something. Dream and Ink are worried about him they thought Error did something so they blamed him keeping Blue away from Error or any bad influence even locking him in UnderSwap for measures then when he is free he started to get more distant. Stretch even made sure nothing break his innocence but we didn't know that it's already broken when we got him back.

Ink's P.O.V.

Then he started disappearing more and more, we didn't know where he went or goes to. Now I suspect he always go to Error. With the cooking class it's something that we didn't know. I wonder when did Error's cooking class started. I always thought about it then Dream the past decade came to the picture.

Dream... We are just being normal. Worrying for Blue, protecting the Multiverse from Error's destruction and the Bad Sanses. We are just being normal... Then one day he started to grow distant from me also. He gets more and more negative now, not that everyone can feel it only me, cause he is always near me. But he started getting more and more violent but it was not noticable, only I notice but I left him alone thinking that it will pass. The others soon notice but they left him alone also. Every meeting he growls at the mention of the destroyer but we thought about it getting angry at Error now that I think about it, it's not Error he's growling at... It's at us. Dream started to send dying positivity than positivity. Everytime we have a meeting about defeat Error he seems to listen intently, we thought that he wants to defeat Error badly but he was listening so he can tell Error about it. Every time I had to leave he always asked me where I was going I told him. But if I tell him that I am going to visit someone he seems to calm down a bit but if it's about Error he always seemed to clenched his fist like he was trying to calm himself down before asking if he can come with me... Not that I noticed everytime he shoots Error I'm always near but now I know he isn't trying to shoot Error he's trying to shoot me.

Then he started to disappear more than often. One day he came back very happy the positivity is spreading too much that everyone can feel it Blue was there trying to calm down. We were about to ask but when he saw us it quickly turned negative. Blue as I said was there came in front of Dream and asked happily why did he turned negative and what happened Dream just growl at Blue before walking away. Blue got angry before calming down and crying. What wrong with Dream. I just told him I don't. This went on for months. Dream would go away for long periods of time, he's always happy but everytime he gets back he always go negative and Blue keeping silent about it.

One day, he came extra happy that Nightmare beside me almost puke. I called him then his happiness went down a bit but still happy. I told him I have a surprise for him, he smiled but now I realize he was faking back then. I told Nightmare and his gang to come out. The others are happy that they join us but not Dream. He instantly turned negative Nightmare felt it, he tried to figure out the source but me being stupid stopped him from figuring it out. Dream smiled but something is wrong he isn't happy, he wasn't happy about the news. I thought he'd be happy. But he soon change, he went to hugged Nightmare. Nightmare did not see his face but I did it was a face of a dominant alpha who is angered when his mate has been hurt, a face that tells someone who he is going to kill or murder. Dream turned happy again when they pulled back but it had a bit of edge to it. Nightmare did not notice and went to talk to Dream about defeating Error. Now another realization, he was trying to control himself not to kill Nightmare, to not kill his brother or everyone else. I soon notice that he was getting more and more irritant if we just talked to him about something he just listens for a little but if it is long periods of time like an hour he will say he needs to go politely but if it about Error he will rudely go away.

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