Chapter 4: A Trip to the Park

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Erratum woke up from his slumber and sat up on the bed, he shook his to shake off the drowsiness, when he realized he slept. He stood up to check the kitchen, Variance is cooking breakfast with Null and Void on the table. "Oh! Good Morning Erratum~ How was your sleep?~" Variance asked, Erratum went to Variance and forced him to face him. "How. The. Hell. Did. I. Fall. Asleep?!" Erratum asked, Variance just smiled and answered, "About that I woke up at midnight due to the twins" Variance said as he patted his belly gently. "And I saw you still working on the dresses, which I put in a box before I slept again. I kind of forced you to sleep with me and the moment your skull laid on your pillow, you slept like a baby after that." Variance said as he prepared the plates on the table. "I was worried that you will wake up after a week but now you're awake, do you feel less tired at the least?" Variance asked Erratum.

Erratum P.O.V.

I nodded, I can't help but feel refresh when I woke up. "Yes I did, thank you" I said as Variance put waffles??? onto my plate. "You boys can eat now~" Variance said as I stabbed my waffle, eating a mouthful of it. "Hmm~ It's delicious! Uncle!" Null said as Variance chuckled, "Why~ Thank you Null~" Variance cooed at Null and patted his head. "Hmm~ I agree~" I said, Variance just smiled as he put his own waffles onto his plate. "Thank you Erratum, I'm glad~" Variance said as he sat down at a unoccupied chair. We ate in silence, when I remember what day it is, "Little Terrors~ Remember what day it is?~" I asked them, they started to get excited, Variance is plain confused.. Well I don't blame him he just officially got here yesterday. "Well... Every Sunday, I take them with me to deliver some packages. Once I'm done with that we can go where ever these two little terrors want~" I said as the two jump on their seats. They are too excited for this day.

I sighed and continued eating, 'Now that I think about, we are suppose to meet at UnderSwap Grillby's Bakery...I still can't get over the fact that they are using AU names for business... But Am I in that line... I didn't use AU name when I no longer have an AU... But using the Multiverse  as a business name is kind of weird also... "...dy! Daddy! Daddy!" Null's voice rang out, "What is it?!" I said in a panicked. "Erratum! Calm down!" Variance shouted letting me focused once again. "What happened?" I asked, "You were staring at the plate for 10 minutes, are you alright? Did the voices bother you again?" Variance practically babied me. "No! I'm fine and the voices doesn't bother me anymore... (Unless there are screaming and yelling), I'm fine really!" I said and he nodded believing me. I just sighed and prepared Null and Void's clothes for the day.

Variance went to take a bath with them and I am forced to take a bath with them. Variance scrub me down first... His excuse... "You're the biggest here and you don't know how to take a bath still... How long were you here?... Oh yeah! 3 months Erratum! 3 months still! the kids already know the basic so they don't have any problem as long as they don't drown" that is what he said. I just sighed and let him teach me, after some errors, I happily finished then it was Variance turn, I let him be. I went to my room to get dressed and I heard the faucet turned off and the bathroom door opening. Looks like Variance is finished bathing I went outside and brought some maternity clothes that I happen to make and have...Since when did I make these clothes?... Oh well~

Meanwhile in Erratum' Multiverse

Nightmare and Ink are battling out on who will get the core each needed on their machine. Ink and Nightmare are about to finish their machine but the only thing that they are missing are the cores and there is only one of it. Nightmare' Gang needs a type of core like the human SOULs but Ink needs it whole. Ink ask Core! Frisk for a core and Nightmare planned to steal it. Ink just brought Dream and Stretch because the core needs sustainable magic to be kept Ink's magic can keep it on his own that is if he had a SOUL but he doesn't have any so he needs Dream and Stretch magic to sustain it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2021 ⏰

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