Your forever love

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Prologue In (Y/N's) POV

"UGH!! How dare he trip me!!! Oooh I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind"

The back alleys were cold in the afternoons after school, but that's were I had to be, especially after this jerk tripped me over in the halls!!

"Hey boys I'm ere~"

'Other people?' I thought to myself, backing against the wall around the corner from where that disgusting man went, 'there can't be other people, what could be happening around there?'

"Great to see you buddy, now let's get to it"

I growled leaning against the brick wall, oh I was so furious with that delinquent! He didn't even seem sorry that he had knocked me over!!

With all the courage I had, I cleared my throat and launched myself around the corner

"Okay you b-"

Around the corner, was something I wasn't expecting, it was alive, seriously, how did no one know this was here... it was like

A makeshift casino?

Lining the back wall of the dark alley was a group of young men, all in their late teens, that were drinking and gambling their life away, but now they all turn to face me, the guy that had the audacity to knock me over, shoots me a cold gaze

"How did you get here, chick??" The young man spoke, his voice lower then I remembered from at school

"I followed you! I demand an apology for pushing me over!!!" I say stomping my feet

"What the fuck... I didn't even hear you..."

"That's Impressive~"

For all new readers! If you haven't clicked away yet, I salute you!!

This is basically a you~ X grumpy boy husker story! An emotional roller coaster tale of your life with him before death, and reuniting with him in hell after you both died!

Based on theories husk was a soldier, who's death was heavily implied to be battle/ptsd related! So enjoy (or don't) these theories of him. And of corse! Enjoy this self insert of you as husks waifu (lucky!)

Let's gets back to it


{3rd person POV}

July 10th 1970

War had been raging in Vietnam for 15 years, and so far, you and your husband, Haymitch Rusk (my name for human husk) have been living as eloped high school sweethearts in country Oklahoma, safe from it all.

That was untill...

"Your number was called wasn't it..." {y/n} sighed, defeated, her husband of 2 years in front of her, a frown on his face

"Yeah... it was... I guess I'm up" he replies, tears now forming at {y/n's} {e/c} eyes

"H-how long is it?! How long is your deployment gonna be??" At this point {y/n} was hysterical, not wanting her husband to leave her side, she had never even thought that her husband would be chosen for this, it never came to mind when she ran away with him, and married him.

"I have no idea... {y/n} but I will be back" Haymitch, slowly but surely, gets up from his chair and embraces his wife warmly "I promise..."

"You pinky swear...?" his wife holds out her pinky finger, waiting for his respond, he chuckles and extends his pinky, therefore latching the two pinkies together

"Pinky swear..."

July 15th 1970

Days After being announced for war, in his army gear Haymitch  gave one last kiss to {y/n's} soft lips, as the rusty military bus pulled up at the front of their house

"Don't forget about me~ mi amour~" {y/n} said her eyes welling up with tears

"I won't, mi dulce" Haymitch held both of {y/n} hands in one last time before he departed {y/n} counting the steps he took as he walked towards the old bus full of other unfortunate men that got called for battle.

"Don't forget..."

Tears ran down her {s/c} face, as the bus drove away.

She fights back a tear, knowing that for sure, that he'll return... right?

The wind howled, picking up the Marilyn Monroe inspired sky blue dress {y/n} as she clenched her teeth

She felt her world crashing down around her, her husband who she adored so much, was send out to fight and possibly die, and here she was, not able to do anything about

{y/n} fell to the ground in a broken sob, no sound came after that, just a flood of tears as she held her stomach, pressing against it softly as she cried....

"I didn't even get to tell him...."

"That I'm..."

Stay tuned for update part 2!!!


Mi amour~ (Spanish) : My love
Mi deluce~ (Also Spanish): My sweet

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