Pancakes and Heists

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April 28th 1968


The next day, after coming up with a good lie explaining why she was home late, (Y/n) excitedly raced back to school, hoping maybe she'd see Haymitch there

Skipping down the ivory path, singing your favorite tune "(favorite 60's song)" you arrive at school, overly happy to be there considering you felt filthy for practically ditching yesterday, but you couldn't help but also kind of refreshed and adventurous...

You scanned the school yard for anyone you knew, any of your friends or perhaps a certain


Haymitch, the boy you were low key looking for was there, doing the most typical of bad boy things, smoking at the bike racks while flipping people off.

You pulled up, absolutely captivated by the way his hair shone in the sunlight, and how he was just nonchalantly flipping the bird. You wanted to so badly go over and hug him, But. Even though you bonded with the handsome scruffy senior for hours last night, for some reason you felt too shy to go up to him.

'Oh man why am I shy...' you say to yourself before deciding you would casually walk past and pretend not to see him... You took a deep breath out and held your head up, trying to look as nonchalant and not nervous as possible, casually tossing your hair as you walked into the school yard.

"Oi. Ya too much of a Princess ta say hi to me?"


You flinch and turn to him, nervous now your plan didn't work, and also kind of shocked that he even remembered you "O-Oh! Haymitch! Hi!" you sweat nervously "I didn't see you!"

"Tch, Didn't see me my ass. I saw you staring at me" he answers playfully

What!! No! I was starting at the tree!" You defend yourself and point to the dead tree across the path from him "yeah! It's fascinating!"

He raises an eyebrow, not buying the lie "uh-huh, sure"

"N-no really i!" you sigh, defeated, not being able to come up with an excuse and pouts at him "ya got me... I just thought you wouldn't remember lil ol me since your are such a tough guy~"

"course Id remember you, you got my boys to respect you. That aint easy for a girl to do you know" Haymitch chuckles with a cough, flicking his cigarette butt onto the concrete

"Seriously? Wow! All I did was say their dicks were small" you giggle proud, trying to disregard his littering as the school bell rings

"Welp thats me." he smirks and turns to leave "see ya round kiddo"

"Wait!" you grab him on the arm

"hm...? what is it?" he glances back at you

You take a deep breath in

"Do you wanna uh.." you twiddle your fingers "maybe eat lunch together today?" you blush

"...sure, I guess?" he sighs "what times lunch?"

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