Sorry, My Mom Says You're Not Allowed To Claim Me

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"So you're the new pipsqueak I've heard so much about!" Clarisse from Ares Cabin came up to Percy. She'd been easy to avoid around camp until now.

"Did you need something?" Percy asked, already knowing where this was going.

"They say you're the best swordsman in camp. Even beat Castellan in training once or twice. I think you just got lucky." She answered. Percy raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"Why? Because I'm a son of Aphrodite? We're not all just pretty faces." Okay, Percy was the only real fighter in the entire cabin, but Clarisse didn't need to know that. Adrean at least could scale the lava wall without getting burnt and he had good reflexes. Now if Percy could just convince him that swordfighting was more important that his luscious locks if he got into trouble with a monster, maybe he could convince Angelus, Kelley, and his sisters to train too. Turns out that Kelley only lost an eye because of an archery accident.

"Exactly. See, I've never known any Aphrodite kid that likes to fight. You sure you weren't just checking out your reflection in the sword and swiped when Castellan came at you because he interrupted your me time?" The girl sneered.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure it wasn't an accident. I was looking right into those nice baby blues when I took him down. He even smiled at me." Percy recalled with a smirk.

"Heh. Alright, I got a challenge for you." She said.

"Sweet, I've been bored since I got here." Percy cracked his knuckles and pulled his sword. "But first, I wanna know your name." He grinned up at her. He knew her name, but she didn't know him and it would probably be bad to let the girl know she had several rumors and insults revolving around her flying around camp.

"Why, so you can cry for mercy when I whoop your ass?" She snarked.

"No, so I can tell the whole Camp I wiped the floor with you when I'm done." Percy retorted.

"You got spunk, kid. Alright. I'm Clarisse LaRue." She introduced herself.

"Percy Jackson." He held his hand out and she shook it firmly. Then, Percy spun around and flipped her over his shoulder. She slammed into the ground with a wheeze.

"See you in the Arena." Percy dusted his hands off and walked right to said Arena.


The two stood across from each other. Campers sat in the stands, eager to watch the fight between the new prodigy and Clarisse, the camp bully and their best warrior. The whole Camp wasn't there, but plenty of people had noticed what was happening and hurried to the Arena(Most of Hermes cabin already had a betting pool going). Silena was one of those people, but she had followed in worry. The rest of the Aphrodite cabin members that had been there when Percy first arrived followed as well to reassure their Counselor and hurl a few curses at the Ares campers if Clarisse messed up their little brother's face.

"He'll be fine. He's a kid, but he can take some hits, Silena." Alison reassured the girl.

"Oh, but Clarisse doesn't show mercy, even to opponents younger than her! She could seriously hurt him! I don't want him to have any more scars than he already does....." The counsellor fretted.

Percy was grinning viciously at Clarisse as they circled each other. Finally, the daughter of Ares lunged with her electric spear called Maimer(and nicknamed Lamer by the rest of camp behind Clarisse's back). Percy dodged under the attack and spun to kick her in the back so she nearly face- planted in the dirt. She whipped around and didn't find the kid like she'd expected to. Clarisse looked around carefully, only to feel dust being kicked up into her eyes. Then, a roundhouse kick was delivered to her face. Unfortunately for Percy, the girl caught it. She yanked on the leg and picked the boy up off the ground, slamming him down hard. Percy laid there for a minute to get his breath back before kicking up more dirt and sliding between Clarisse's legs. He jumped on her back and yanked her head back by her hair. It devolved into a brawl pretty quickly. If Percy hadn't grown up being bullied(and trained)by Clarisse's dad, he would've been pulverized by the girl.

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