Hey, Could You Grab My Kids On Your Way Here?

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While darkness fell and the train trundled west, Percy was able to get in a short nap while Grover and Annabeth played word games to pass the time.


Percy blinked his eyes open to see....nothing? No, that wasn't right,t there was definitely something in the darkness.


He opened his eyes, unaware he'd closed them, and suddenly, there was a god in front of him. He had a regal air to him that only gods could make work for them. Percy frowned and looked over the man in front of him.

He was tall and imposing, dark robes draped on his lean frame with the contorted faces of people in pain protruding from the fabric at random. Percy wondered if his underwear did that too–then he figured he didn't really wanna know.

Long, obsidian-black hair lay loose over the man's shoulders and cold, calculating eyes the color of tar gave nothing away as the god stared down at the boy. His dark hair and eyes contrasted with his deathly pale skin. His mouth was twisted into a scowl, but he could've been anything from displeased, to confused, to intrigued and Percy wouldn't be able to tell.

He stood straighter. Hades hated his job, but he took pride in his efficiency and his status as a King. Percy had to tread carefully here.

"Lord Hades." He greeted, bowing slightly. Bowing down was never Percy's style, but if he wanted a favor from the god, he'd have to play nice, even if said God was the reason he was on this quest in the first place. "What brings you here, My Lord? Or, why did you you being me here, I guess I should ask?"

The trace of a smile touched the god's lips for a second before it was gone again.

"I know what you are, boy." Oh, so they were going for the twilight-style confrontation.

Percy raised an eyebrow. "Uh....I'm pretty sure everyone does by now. It's kinda hard to miss the hot pink." He said carefully.

A snort sounded. "Please, Perseus, I am not dumb. You are the spitting image of your father. You may be able to hide it from demigods who have never seen the gods before, and even some who have, but I spent years in my father's stomach growing up with your brat of a father. You couldn't fool me no matter how hard you tried."

Percy winced. "So, uh, any chance I could do you a favor in exchange for you not outing me?" He offered, figuring it was worth a shot. "Any monsters you hate in particular? Demigods that turned on you?"

Hades actually smiled, albeit the expression was a cold one. "Actually, yes, there is something you can do for me. It's what I brought you here for, Perseus." He admitted.

Percy frowned. If a god specially requested your help, something big was usually up. Unless it was Aphrodite and involved her hairbrush that infamously went missing once a month–chances were it was in her sixth closet with her other hairbrushes that she never actually used. She tended to snap it back to her temple on Olympus when she wasn't using it and it sometimes automatically went there. The holder it was always in was technically her "sheathe," though she didn't use the brush as a weapon. Percy wondered if it had weapon mode....

Hades sighed longsufferingly. "Demigods and their ADHD. Yes, it has a weapon form, she just never uses it. She prefers throwing rose petals, embarrassingly enough." Hades snapped him out of his off-topic thoughts.

Percy smiled sheepishly and Hades shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"You already know the risks of being who you are and you're the only one I approve of to carry this out: I have two children around your age. They were born before Zeus forced Poseidon and I into the Pact, but he tried to destroy them, so I hid them away." He began.

Percy's eyes widened. There were more big three kids?!

"Yes, there are. I had them taken out of their stasis not long ago so they would age a few years and hopefully be close in age to you. Your train will stop in Denver when you wake. The children will be in a fast food restaurant not far from a car wash a short distance away form the train station. You should be able to sense them. Take them with you on the quest and deliver them–and my helm of darkness–to me. And while you're at it, hand over Zeus' Bolt too. I'd love to smite that smug bastard with his own power. A taste of his own medicine!"

"Oh." Percy said feebly, still trying to process that he had cousins and they were around his age, holy shit!! He wasn't alone!! "Is that all?"

Hades chuckled darkly. "Yes. Wake now. I expect my children, my helm, and the bolt by the solstice."

With that, everything faded to black and Percy woke up on the train just as it began slowing to a stop.

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