They Can't Expel You If You Run Away First

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Percy woke up dreading the test he and Grover had in first period. Grover's distress came off him in waves, so that spoke for itself. Percy offered him a free piece of candy from his illegal stash he'd been selling during passing periods and lunchtimes.

They walked into first period, only for the teacher to yell "Surprise field trip! Everyone out to the front of the school!"

So Percy had to help Grover up after he was trampled by the students running for the bus, then he pulled the Satyr along behind him. "Wait, Percy! Why are we running?! My feet will fall off!" Grover yelped.

Percy laughed. "We have to get to the back of the bus, it's the best spot, G-man!" He answered.

"Hey, look! It's Jackson with his boyfriend!" Nancy Bobofit cried to her ugly friends.

"Move, Ugly Duckling, I don't have time for your homophobia!" Percy pushed past her and onto the bus. They scored seats at the very back of the bus. Percy took out his iPod and offered an earbud to Grover.

"I'm not really one for rock, but I'll take it." The Satyr shrugged.

"G-man, if you're gonna hang with me, you're gonna know all kinds of genres." Percy grinned.

"Hey, are you guys gonna kiss?!" One of Nancy's nasty friends called back to them. The Ugly Squad shrieked with laughter. Grover's face turned red.

"Don't listen to them. They don't know a thing about love." Percy brushed the taunts off.

"Wait, you're not offended at being coupled with another guy?" Grover turned to him.

"Love is love, Grover. Even if you think you prefer a specific type of person– boy or girl, smoking hot or average looking, a jerk or a sweetheart, monster, mortal, godly, or a half-blood–it really doesn't matter your preferences. You love the person who's personality fits with yours. The person who compliments you and fits with you like a puzzle piece. The more you like their personality, the more attractive they are to you. It's not just about looks." Percy explained what Aphrodite had taught him.

"So this," The demigod grabbed Grover's hand and held it. "Is just physical affection to show that you care about someone. It isn't specifically just romantic. It's whatever you want it to be. People just assume it means you're together. If they wanna look like assholes trying to confront people about things that are none of their business, that's on them."

Grover stared at him. "You're....really wise, Percy." He said after a minute, smiling.

"Thanks Grover. Aphrodite's taught me a lot about love. I think she's hoping that I'll understand what love is when I feel it one day. She kinda lives through me." Percy admitted.

"Oh yeah, she pretty much raised you, didn't she?" Grover recalled.

"Yup. Gods can't raise their own kids, and they're not supposed to be involved with any demigods, but she found a loophole and asked me to be her Champion when she found me. The other gods aren't allowed to dictate how she trains me to be her Champion, so she can get away with having me around her all the time because I belong to her anyway." Percy explained.

"Are there any downsides to that?" Grover wondered.

"Yes. If you complain about anything involving whatever gods you may know, they'll punish you. Aphrodite isn't actually that bad, but Ares is a huge jerk and Cupid is really snappy and gets super defensive when called out." Percy sighed. "And gods tend to be really insensitive and uncaring about things that concern mortals. They just brush it off because mortals live such short lives."

"Doesn't sound as fun as I thought it'd be." Grover noted.

Percy smiled. "I'll beat Ares in a fight one of these days. I'm close."

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