Chapter 1 Continued

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The day is finally here! I stay in my PJs as I eat breakfast, brush my teeth and hair, and do my all natural makeup.
"Hannah, 30 minutes!" My dad calls from downstairs.
"Okay!" I tell back as I struggle to pull up the zipper on my blue and gold dress that I picked out the night before. I finally get my dress to cooperate with me so I fix my hair (that totally got messed up in my mini war with the dress) and rush out the door so I'm not late for the first bar-mitzvah of the year.
"What took you so long?" Dad asks me as soon as we get out the door.
"My dress hated me" I tell him like its perfectly normal for a dress that looks somewhat okay on me to have negative feelings towards me. My dad is used to me after 12 years of being my dad so he just shrugs and starts the car.
The service was super long and boring so instead of boring you, here's the long and short of it:
     -It was 3 hours long
     -There was a lot of standing up and sitting back down over and over agian
     -I was starving by the end of it
     -Free lunch afterwards was amazing and had included dessert
     -The party came right after the service

Dad and Mom both came to the party with me and it kind of sucked because I had a chaperone. There was a big poster outside of the party room that I signed. Then, I walked into the party. It was amazing! There were arches of blue and silver balloons, the DJ was playing music at top volume, there was a huge dance floor, and at each table, there was a huge centerpiece of candy for the kids to eat all day long. I knew from that moment when I saw where I was going to party for the next few hours, that it was going to be awesome.
All of the girls got socks to wear because we still had on our heels or- in my case- fancy and uncomfortable flats on. Except Eva, who wore Converse as usual. The pair that I chose were fuzzy and were striped pink and white.
The food was really good, the dessert was the best, and the party was super fun! During the slow dance for couples, all the kids danced with themselves (including me). Then at the very end, we did the hora and Ethan got lifted in the chair. Here is an explanation of what I just said for all the non Jews reading this:

The hora is a repetitive dance where you grab hands with the people next to you and walk in a circle. Normally there will be multiple circles with the hosting family in the very center and each circle walks in a different direction.
Getting lifted in the chair is something almost every bar/bat mitzvah person does. In the middle of the circles, the 0erson having their bar/bat mitzvah will be lifted in a chair by 4 people this chair has a back and sometimes arm rests.

Ethan looked like he really liked being lifted in the chair but I knew after seeing it that I would hate being in his place.
Ethan's bar mitzvah was the first of many but I had to wait a while for the next one because his was up earlier in the year.

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