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Okay. There are a couple things we need to straighten out before you start reading this story. Hi, I'm Hannah and I will be your narrator in this book. I am Jewish. A lot of people don't know what that means but it is crucial to the plot of this story so I'll explain it for you. Being Jewish means that you believe in g-d, don't believe in Jesus, and you pray in Hebrew on Saturdays and on major holidays. When you are Jewish, when you turn 13 (sometimes when you are 12) you have a bar/bat mitzvah. Bar mitzvahs are for boys and bat mitzvahs are for girls. (They are both the same thing it's just that everything in  Hebrew has a gender.) A bar/bat mitzvah is a coming of age where you lead the Saturday prayer service, get candy, and have a party afterwards (usually at night). You normally also go to Hebrew School. I go on Sunday morning and Wednesday night after school. It is common courtesy to invite your entire Hebrew School class to your bar/bat mitzvah. So over the course of about 1 year, I went to 11 bar/bat mitzvahs. And your about to read a story about what happened at them.

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