The Cage (Part 1)

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Marinette sighed with a dreamy air about her as she continued her sketch that she had been working on for days now. She was slowly, but surely, drawing a realistic and detailed rendering of the back of the head of the blonde sitting in front of her. She stuck her tongue out as she struggled with the small clutch of hair that usually stuck up slightly above the rest. It was messy, yet somehow still perfect. 

She was so lost in her concentration that the sharp nudge in her side caused a loud squeal to escape her lips. She clapped her hand over her mouth and could feel the warmth creep into her cheeks while they tinged pink from embarrassment as the entire class turned to look at her. A low chuckle rang throughout the classroom but it didn't take long at all for the attention to be turned back to the lesson. After all, this type of Marinette-Mishap wasn't an uncommon occurrence. Once all attention was off her, Marinette turned and glared at her attacker.

"What was that for?" She hissed. Alya simply laughed, knowing Marinette wasn't actually angry at her.

"Watch this," was all she said before quickly scribbling some words on a torn piece of paper, crumpling it, and tossing it at the head of the boy in front of her. After reading it and whispering to Adrien, who nodded excitedly, Alya's boyfriend turned around and nodded. He accentuated the nod with a thumbs up. Much to Marinette's joy, Adrien also turned around and smiled. She smiled back dreamily, for a bit longer than the average person would, before a thought finally reached her head.

"Wait, what did that note say?"

"Well, you've got a date with Adrien today after school."

"WHAT!" Marinette screamed, resulting only with everyone turning to stare at her and laugh once more.

"Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, please settle down," Mlle. Bustier asked lightly, a smile playing at her lips.

"Sorry, Miss." The teen nodded, wishing she could tuck her whole body away like a turtle. Once the attention was, once more, back to the front of the room, she turned to Alya, eyes still wide. "What do you mean I 'have a date with Adrien this afternoon?'" She whispered to her best friend, who was still lightly snickering.

"Well, not technically. 'Technically-'" Alya used her fingers to quote the word. "I invited the boys to hang out at the zoo today... which means that Nino and I will sneak off together at some point and leave you guys with some alone time. He's already in on the whole thing."

Marinette felt like screaming again, but this time her jaw simply dropped without a sound. She pictured herself and Adrien at the zoo laughing with their friends as they shared a serving of french fries. Their hands would meet while reaching for one and they would lock eyes.

'I've always loved your eyes, Marinette. Just like bluebells.' He would remark.

'I've always loved you, Adrien.' Marinette would respond.

Then they'd lean in for a kiss and the whole world would disappear. Then they'd get married and have three kids and a dog- no, a hamster. They'd live happily ever after and-

"Marinette!" Alya's voice called. Marinette snapped back to reality, to her own dismay, as her best friend waved a hand in front of her face.

"Sorry, what?" Marinette asked, looking around the room only to find it void of people save herself, Alya, Nino, and Adrien.

"Girl, the bell rang two minutes ago. Where were you?" The redhead laughed. Marinette's eyes widened and she quickly began packing up her school things, starting with the sketchbook containing the drawing of Adrien. Okay, drawings of Adrien.

"Sorry, must have just gotten lost in space, I guess," Marinette fibbed, throwing her school bag over her shoulder.

"Shall we, m'lady?" Nino asked, extending the crook of his elbow to his girlfriend. 

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